6 Secrets for Women Travellers

Survey says that women tourist can be more likely targets of attacks. Thus, it is important that you know how to take good care and save yourself from many form of danger. I may not know why you are traveling alone (it maybe for business or you need to have time out alone or it’s an emergency), but here’s a handy guide for beautiful single women who are traveling alone.

1. Be Wary Of Thieves

They are everywhere. Just the time you land at the airport, you have to secure all your belongings. Never leave them out of your sight. Be careful on where you put down your things. Sometimes, you don’t become a victim of theft, you weren’t just careful enough and you weren’t able to bring all your belongings with you.

It’s a good idea to have a couple of bags with you. A huge bag is a great way to easily carry all your belongings. The chance of leaving behind your items is slim to none. On the other hand, carrying small bag is ideal for important documents and personal items such as mobile phone, keys, wallets, credit cards, etc.

2. Always bring a flashlight with you

At some point while you are travelling, you may come across a dark alleyway or some electrical problem at your lodging, it is important that there is a source of light you can always get. A mobile phone that has a flashlight can be a big help too.

3. Take extra caution of the people around you

Observe how they behave. You might have noticed that the person behind you has already been following you for some time. So if, unfortunately, there is someone following you, you can quickly ask for a help.

Don’t wear luxury jewelries if not necessary or bring expensive gadgets with you as these things can make only make you more attractive to thieves and other negative elements. Leave them inside your hotel, or better don’t bring them at all.

4. Wear clothes that are decent in look and not attire that are so revealing.

As the saying goes, the way you dress shout outs what you want to get. So if you don’t like to get some pervert eyes at you, wear unrevealing clothes while travelling.

5. Be careful of cute guys

Be careful of those flowery tongues. Sometimes when a cute guy suddenly approaches us with that great swag and witty humor we are always looking for, our guards suddenly went down. We are women and we can’t help it. But in traveling, this is a No-no. If you don’t want your lives to be like the movie Taken.

Don’t let a guy know where you stay in just a few minutes of meeting him, don’t go to a party with him that fast, and don’t go for a drink at the bar with him (a coffee drink will do if his intention is really good).

6. When travelling abroad, it is always a good idea to travel in a group.

But if sudden instances need you to travel alone, just take extra careful and follow the tips above. Let’s prove to the men that we women are not weak at all. We can take care of ourselves while we travel alone. When all else fails, remember that your best friend in emergencies would be your travel insurance.

Photo Credit: Deposit Photos

Frederique Bros: Frederique Bros is a contributor for Women Love Tech. Frederique, who launched the website, has more than ten years in multimedia, graphic and web design. Born in France, she lives in Sydney with her French Bulldog Oscar.

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