Owning a vehicle today is a great responsibility, a simple way to stay connected and explore the country, but it’s also a brilliant opportunity to treat it as an extension of your own personality. Of course, performance always comes first, so every driver should be mindful of those key features that increase the safety of your vehicle. Once you and your mechanic make sure that your car is road-ready, there’s nothing stopping you from adding some flair and zest to its look and feel.
No matter if you have an old ride that has seen many bumpy roads or you have a brand-new family car, there are different ways to get creative with your four-wheeler and turn it into a statement piece. More importantly, you needn’t spend a fortune on this endeavour, as there are several different options to personalize your car.
1# A fresh coat of paint
Consider this one of the most effective choices you can make, and the exterior equivalent of changing out your old seat covers. A custom paint job for your car can do so much for its appearance, and you’ll never again have to use the remote-control key and follow the beep – you’ll spot it right away thanks to your unique combo of colours.
2# Choose a delightful air freshener
When you’re about to prep for another exciting road trip and explore your country, you should take into consideration the comfort of your own car. What better way to make yourself at home than to add an air freshener in a scent that will help keep you calm and relaxed while at the same time not create a stuffy atmosphere in your vehicle? Opt for light, citrusy scents, or something that’s multifunctional such as those fresheners that remove odours, too!
3# A new set of plates
Instead of the standard license plate numbers, you can automatically receive upon registering your vehicle, you can go a little further and use this as a chance to personalize your car. For example, getting cherished number plates from an established dealer such as CarReg.co.uk in your area can give your car that personal touch and more meaning. You can select a combination that has meaning and emotional value to you so that your plates reflect a memory or a date you’d love to commemorate paired with the initials of someone you care for.
4# Covering your wheel
In addition to your seat covers, floor mats, and other interior essentials you can see as soon as you get in your car, there’s one more detail that’s right in front of you throughout the ride: your wheel! This is your opportunity to match function with appeal, so you can choose a wheel cover that will keep your hands safe (for example, preventing extreme heat from causing discomfort) and say something about your personality. You can find a cover that’s colourful, fun, that reflects your favourite flower or cartoon character, while it also helps you drive safely.
5# Floor mats and seat covers
There’s nothing worse than worn-out fabric that adds to your car’s mileage. Before you do anything else, consider revamping your interior by replacing your seat covers with a fresh, clean fabric, be it faux leather, or something velvety that’s more to your preference. The same goes for old floor mats – get new ones, even in vibrant colours if you like, and your car will just explore with life.
6# Cup holders to the rescue
Purpose before all else? Then you can definitely put your mind at ease with a car-friendly cup holder that will keep you fuelled for hours of your road-trips. Opt for a version that’s simple to install and adjustable, so that you don’t have to stick to a single cup you own, but actually make any cup fit your needs.
7# Interior lighting options
If you’re a fan of all things green, then these LED lights in your car will be a true inspiration. In fact, they can turn even the most retro old-timers into a fantastically futuristic ride, since you can tweak them and adapt them to your liking. Roof lights and border lighting are the most frequently chosen, and they are not just functional and help increase visibility (in the coolest way possible) during evening drives, but they also add infinite amounts of awesome to your car.
Personalising your car is a fun way to express yourself, and turn every ride into a more exciting experience that exudes your own character and preferences. After you’ve made all the right changes, make yourself comfortable in your snazzy, refreshed ride, and as always, stay safe!
The hero image of the woman in the car: Image Credit: https://www.ratedradardetector.org/