Wish You Had More Energy? Try These Failproof Energy Hacks

Are you in need of an energy boost? The mid-year slump has hit many. Winter colds and mid-year fatigue is real! In this extract, from her new book Energy, author Lisa O’Neil shares her tips to guard, give and get more energy.

All we are is energy. Energy is the essence of our existence. We are all energetic beings, and understanding the dynamics of energy is the key to unlocking our true potential. 

Our energy is transferable and absorbable. Our thoughts begin it, our emotions amplify it and our actions increase or decrease it. Energy is required for growth, change and movement. Energy cannot be seen, but the results of using energy can.

To help you to maximise your life force, here are some failproof energy tips to help you lift your energetic game:

1. Look for people or things that inspire you.

Being inspired is one of the fastest ways to get energised. Nothing beats being lit up by something! When we surround ourselves with people who inspire us our energy increases. Take time to tap into what lights you up, what fills your cup and floats your boat. When you are inspired, it’s like being led around by an invisible thread: you feel a pull to do things, to get involved in stuff. It’s your job to inspire yourself. Go searching for something amazing that flicks on your switches!

2. Move your body every day – stretch, walk & bend.

Movement is essential. We are designed to move. The best kind of movement is the kind that feels good. Whether you enjoy lifting weights, rolling on the floor or long-distance running, I wish more people moved in a way they wanted to rather than how they ‘should’. You ‘should’ do whatever feels good – as long as you are moving. Remove exercise from your should list and move into moving in a way that you want. Dancing, rolling, stretching and crawling are all wonderful ways to move and get into your body.

3. Take your sleep seriously.

Get in charge of your bedtime! Set an alarm to go to bed. The right amount of sleep is critical to your performance. Make sleep a high-performance activity – include relaxing tea, aromatherapy oil, epsom salt bath, tepid shower, wear soft yummy pyjamas and try a calming meditation.

4. Eat consciously.

Be aware of the fuel you feed yourself. Selecting, preparing and chewing your food is all part of deliberate and conscious food consumption. If you need energy try something fresh, whole, colourful and chemical-free!  Be good to your body and your body will be good for you!

5. Take responsibility for your mood and attitude.

Your mood is a decision. Owning your attitude is one of the best ways to take responsibility for your energy. Find ways to shift your mood. I use peppermint oil under my tongue for a mood lift, lavender to calm down and lemon balm for head clarity.

6. Take time each day to sit completely still and do nothing!

Take a few minutes once or twice a day to stop and notice the world spinning. Noticing how your body feels, what’s cluttering up your head and what emotions are sitting close to your surface. We need to make space for feeling. Simply connecting to your breath and taking time a few minutes is well worth it.

7. Do something you love every day.

Prioritising things that give you pleasure is important. Positive thoughts and beautiful experiences make a difference to your day. Having a list of favourite things you love to do is an easy way to find ‘pockets of perfect’ on difficult days.

8. Surround yourself with beautiful things.

Dopamine decorating is a real thing! Filling your home, office or room with colour, textures and patterns that bring you joy makes your environment feel inspired. It might be a favourite cup, a special pen, or sitting in a gorgeous garden. Nourish yourself with nice things in gorgeous places.

Lisa O’Neill is the author of Energy out now. 

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