86% of Future Jobs Will Adopt New Technology: How Can You Prepare Kids Today?

As a parent, you want your kids to have the best future. This vision includes having a stable job. Technology has been present in almost every industry. It’s only bound to become more necessary as it develops and simplifies job processes in the future. The best thing you can do is to start preparations as early as now. Here’s a guide to accomplish that.

1. Stay Updated

It’s hard to predict the future job landscape, but having a rough idea can give you a heads-up on what to focus on. According to the World Economic Forum, about 86% of organizations will adopt new and frontier technologies.

Requirements will likely shift along with this introduction. AI and big data are ranked 15th in terms of general core skills that companies seek. However, they are a high priority in company training strategies, making it imperative for future employees to be well acquainted with them.

Expose your kids to some technology. For example, let them ask ChatGPT a question and read the answer. Remember to give children room to experiment and learn on their own. If they have any questions about how it works, indulge them.

2. Make Lessons Fun

Tech should gain more focus in the classroom. However, you can compensate with play-based learning. This approach gives them information and makes STEM topics more engaging. For example, bring them to the park and showcase how different materials and how it reacts to light. You can explain why certain objects reflect while others create shadows.

For at-home lessons, video games like Minecraft can also be super insightful for 3D modeling practice. As they get older, prompt them to dive into code and reprogram their world. Have a bonding experience over it.

3. Care for Their Health

Tech is incredibly fascinating, but make sure they regulate how much practice they’re getting in. Especially with future jobs, it can get pretty sedentary. Encourage them to go outside. Have them move their muscles after each teaching session to condition them to rest.

Mind your kid’s eye health as well. It’s recommended to stare at something for 20 seconds for every 20 minutes of looking at a screen. You can set timers for their breaks to avoid straining their vision in the long run.

4. Get Them on the Same Page

Some kids are more goal-oriented, so it can help to set a couple of objectives. Talk to them about why it’s important for them to pick up some tech skills. Set up a plan for what they should focus on in particular.

If they have trouble understanding the future, explain the facts of the present. About 92% of the labor market currently requires digital skills. The need spread across various industries even outside tech-based fields. It’s a good confidence booster to pick up those abilities and achieve success young.

Make the Kids Tech-Savvy

While parents have little to no control over the future, they can help prepare their kids for it. Introduce them to the world of tech and foster their interests. Build this foundation to teach them how to improve in the future.

Mia Barnes: Mia Barnes is a professional freelance writer and researcher who specialises in healthy living, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. Mia is also the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the online publication, Body+Mind magazine.

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