AnyClass – Affordable Sydney Gyms and Fitness Studios

Introducing ANYCLASS, a brand-new membership program in Sydney that allows people to attend unlimited fitness classes at any of the 250+ participating studios for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day – $25 per week with no commitment at all!

Pay from $25 A Week For 250 Sydney Gyms & Fitness Studios

ANYCLASS is available online and via a dedicated iPhone App that allows members to view the comprehensive studio/gym list available and book classes directly.

ANYCLASS is a welcome alternative to the same tired fitness routines that can be both restrictive and repetitive.  Members of ANYCLASS can access literally thousands of classes across Sydney each week including Pilates, anti-gravity yoga, SaltRoom Meditation, boxing, Circuit, outdoor boot camps, pole dancing and more.

It has been proven that mixing up exercise routines can increase the effectiveness of training, but more importantly helps you stay interested, after all, variety is the spice of life! ANYCLASS provides the flexibility to work around your schedule allowing members to try different classes and exercise mediums at specifically selected studios for a minimal weekly cost of $25 and with no commitment.

ANYCLASS’s Founder Elena Torriani Comments: “We are proud to offer a service that enables users to have the variety they crave to put the fun and flexibility back into exercise. Coming from a family that has run gyms for many years, I have used these insights to create ANYCLASS, which is essentially a one-stop shop that provides unlimited access to thousands of classes across Sydney every day of the week.

“We pride ourselves on the level of service that we provide our members with post sign up and choose to only work with studios and gyms that recognise how important this is.”

ANYCLASS is currently offering an introductory free 1-week trial for new members to see what all the fuss is about. Simply head to or download the iPhone App at to get started on a new fitness regime that is flexible around your lifestyle.




Source & Images: AnyClass

Frederique Bros: Frederique Bros is a contributor for Women Love Tech. Frederique, who launched the website, has more than ten years in multimedia, graphic and web design. Born in France, she lives in Sydney with her French Bulldog Oscar.

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