Beem It App: Splashing The Cash Leaving Millennials #Broke

Check out Beem It App. Unpaid brunch bills, taxis and rounds at the pub costing Australians $6.2 billion. Cameron Robbie joins forces with new digital payments app, Beem It, to help young Aussies get back in the black.

Small IOUs are leaving young Australians strapped for cash, with new research from instant payment app, Beem It, revealing our national unpaid mate debt is worth $6.2 billion.

Beem It, a free app designed to make paying, requesting and splitting the bill easier and instant, has hit the market following research that shows more than half (68 per cent) of Australians have lent money to a friend and never got it back.

Although in the red, people are willing to let debts between mates slide, with rounds at the pub (67 per cent), buying communal items such as toilet paper (64 per cent), covering the taxi (56 per cent), and paying for dinner when restaurants don’t split the bill (52 per cent), among the most likely to be forgiven and forgotten.

Not wanting to have the awkward conversation, Australians are avoiding asking for their money back either because the amount is considered too small (25 per cent) or they’re too embarrassed (19 per cent).

To ensure little debts don’t become big problems, Beem It has teamed up with the second most famous Robbie and self-confessed #broke guy, Cameron Robbie, to show Australians how easy it is to get back in the black.

“We’ve all been there. Buying that round of drinks, or shouting brunch for a friend – we all think it’ll come out in the wash, right? But when an awkward amount of time passes and payday is just a little too far away, you find yourself with a tricky dilemma – do you chase your mate down for the money they owe you, or simply live on a pack of rice crackers for the next week?

“Downloading Beem It means no more awkward requests for the squad’s bank details or having to use your calculator when the bill arrives. It’s simply one app, easy, free and instant – you’ll never be out of pocket,” Cameron said.

CEO, Mark Wood, said the app enables Aussies to get paid instantly, no matter who they bank with.

“We’re excited to bring instant payment technology to all Australians, ensuring that everyone can pay, request and split money via their smartphones, regardless of who they bank with. Beem It uses real-time banking technology to transfer funds between banks and ensure money doesn’t get in the way of great life moments.”

Available to download in the iOS and Android app stores and is giving all new users $5* (once they complete the sign-up process) to help them get back in the black.

For more information visit

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