Parenthood is one of the most challenging journeys ever, which is why many parents go through unspeakable stress in order to raise happy, healthy and well-balanced children. Back in the day, there were very little resources that parents could use in order to make their experience easier, so many of them had to rely on babysitters, daycare and relatives if they wanted to get some load off of their backs. Nowadays, thanks to technology, things are definitely better, especially for mothers, because having immediate aid in your pocket can definitely lower the stress and improve the child-rearing journey.
So for that reason, here are some of the best parenting apps that will be prominent this year:
1. Cloud baby monitor (iOS and Android)

Baby alarms were the only thing that could let parents know that their child is awake and in need of attention, but in this day and age, using apps such as Cloud Baby Monitor can allow parents some time off, while still giving them a chance to watch over their bundle of joy during sleep. Equipped with useful features such as noise and motion alerts, music and two-way video talk, this app is a true powerhouse tool if you need to be sure that your child is safe in their crib.
2. BabyGogo (Android)

This app will come useful as it provides all the relevant info about pregnancy, childcare and health, while also offering parents a chance to compete and win rewards. For those who wish to track their baby’s growth, there’s also a growth chart, but it’s important to mention that you can also set vaccination reminders and store your child’s medical documents using the app. Also, in case you get tired and want to read some parenting articles, BabyGogo has a wide selection of topics including potty training, nutrition and behaviour.
3. Tinybeans (iOS and Android)

Every new parent (especially mothers) knows that a baby can be cute in many inexplicable ways and the best way to make that memorable is to take an adorable snap and then store it somewhere where it won’t clog up your phone’s photo album. Well, Tinybeans is an app that does exactly what it says — it offers unlimited photo storage and also a chance to create memories and read useful how-to tips that can help you be more involved and less stressed as a parent.
4. Peanut (iOS and Android)

Being a new mom has its unique challenges, and since a lot of women have to be alone with a baby throughout the day, and despite all the love a mother feels for her child, it can get boring and lonely at times. That’s why staying in touch with other people can make you feel more connected and appreciated, because sometimes, we all need to talk to someone who understands, and using apps for moms to make friends can significantly improve your life and help you find new moms to talk to. Having like-minded people around can be extremely helpful because there’s nothing more liberating than being able to chat about the challenges of motherhood with other mothers who know exactly what you’re going through.
5. Sound Sleeper: Best white noise app for a baby (iOS and Android)

Babies can be difficult sleepers, especially during the first 12 months of their life, so using a helpful app that emits white noise sounds can be of great use. The basic free version still offers a lot of options, such as white noise music and a muted menu that won’t distract the baby. Also, there are other wonderful features, such as the opportunity to record your own lullabies and track your baby’s sleeping in order to learn more about their sleeping patterns. Using white noise apps can help you spend the night in peace because it’s very likely that your baby will sleep without any disturbances. Still, there are some reports that white noise might cause potential developmental problems for children, so be cautious and stop using the app immediately in case you notice any behavioural issues.
6. Baby+ (iOS and Android)

This app is an all-encompassing tool that lets you create a routine for your baby, while also giving you the option to track your child’s progress and capture important moments in your child’s life. Interactive graphs can help you see your child’s growth, including their weight, height and head circumference. Additionally, there are numerous guides and tips that can help you learn more about child growth, which is something that all parents need if they want to have a clear overview of their baby’s development.
Being a first-time parent isn’t always a picnic, so being level-headed, exercising and organising your own time can help you be a more productive and happier parent. Some of these apps will surely help you navigate the parenthood waters with more ease. Your partner should also get involved, so don’t hesitate to ask for help if you ever feel swamped with too much work. Remember that being a parent is all about constant learning, so don’t be afraid to be wrong, as long as you always aim to improve and be a better parent to your baby.
Women Love Tech would like to thank Sophia Smith for her article.