Employment Trends: Australian Tech Jobs On The Rise

According to the last SEEK’s report, the Information and Communications Technology sector is particularly in high experiencing a national 57 percent jump in job listing demand and a 10 percent job ad growth year on year in February 2016. 

Employment Trends: Australian Tech Jobs On The Rise

This increase is buoyed by year on year growth in Eastern states; with ACT up 26.3 per cent, NSW up 11.6 per cent, Tasmania up 10.7 per cent, SA up 7.7 per cent,  Victoria up 6.8 per cent and QLD up 3.9 percent

  • New job ads in Information & Communication Technology sector fuelled by strength of eastern states
  • SEEK new job ads in February 2016 are up 5.7 percent compared to the same time last year
  • Growth in eastern states continues to offset declines in the west

SEEK Employment Managing Director, Michael Ilczynski said that, at a state level, the growth in job ads in the ICT sector reflects the overall health of the employment market nationwide.

“Tasmania, Victoria and Queensland, ACT and New South Wales all experienced double digit growth in ICT job ads. New South Wales which has the largest number of opportunities advertised increased by 10 per cent year on year. There are now over 7,500 ICT jobs advertised through New South Wales, which is fantastic for those looking for work in that industry.”

According to Mark Nielsen, APAC CEO of global IT recruitment specialist Talent International, the increase in IT security job listings can be attributed to sophisticated artificial intelligence and the unprecedented uptake of cloud computing over the past 12 months by Australian businesses, fuelling a demand for specialists to keep networks secure.

“With businesses expanding their offerings to meet customer web and mobility requirements, coupled with the advancement in devices with artificial intelligence capabilities, it is now more important than ever to be able to anticipate the level of sophistication possible when it comes to cybercrimes. There has been a significant increase in the way governments, businesses and people rely on technology and mobility as well as the rapid expansion of cloud computing, and as a result, IT security is one of the fastest growing areas we are seeing in the industry today.”

SEEK new job ads growth year on year to February 2016 in ICT

State by State

New jobs advertised remained relatively stable month to month dipping just 0.8 per cent from January to February 2016.

According to Mr Ilczynski, this slight loss in national momentum is primarily driven by the further downturn in advertising in Western Australia, where job ads fell 5.6 per cent month on month in February 2016 to be 20.1 per cent lower than a year ago.

“The decline in job advertising in Western Australia is across multiple industries and we are seeing a rise in applications for each job advertised in the State. This gives us an indication that the unemployment rate for the State is not likely to improve in the short-term,” said Mr Ilczynski.

Month on month advertising dipped in four other states and territories in February, including slight decreases in New South Wales (down 0.5 per cent) and Victoria (down 0.7 per cent). Advertising also fell in Queensland by 2.2 per cent; while increases were seen in South Australia (up 2.4 per cent), Tasmania (up 1.1 per cent) and Northern Territory (up 0.7 per cent).

About SEEK

SEEK is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, where it is a top 50 company with a market capitalisation close to A$6billion and has been listed in the Top 20 Most Innovative Companies Globally by Forbes, and Number One in Australia.

About the SEEK Employment Report

The SEEK Employment Report provides a comprehensive overview of the Australian Employment Marketplace. The report includes the SEEK Employment Index (SEI), which is the first Australian aggregate indicator to measure the interaction between labour market supply and labour market demand.

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Frederique Bros: Frederique Bros is a contributor for Women Love Tech. Frederique, who launched the website, has more than ten years in multimedia, graphic and web design. Born in France, she lives in Sydney with her French Bulldog Oscar.

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