Feeling Lonely? The Connectar Might Be Your Online Solution

We’re alive in an era where social media and digital technology mean we’re more connected than ever before. But, clearly, it’s not enough. Statistics show around one-third of us suffer from the crippling feeling of being lonely.

The irony of this is it’s partly due to social media platforms that many of us are experiencing loneliness. More and more of us are choosing to stare at our phones and connect with people over the internet instead of face-to-face.

A new social networking platform, The Connectar, will launch early in 2017 and aims to tackle the problems faced by those feeling isolated and lonely.

The Connectar is designed to take a deeper look into the users’ psyche and connect like-minded individuals. It uses data based on character traits such as values, intelligence, and interests.

The Connectar founder Neil Iuculano believes there’s a gap in the market for networking apps that look beyond generic personal information and, instead, base matches on qualitative research.

“There are so many different personality types out there that either compliment or repel each other. Many of these other social networking apps barely scratch the surface, which is why we’ve partnered with a neuroscience institute to validate our research,” Iuculano said.

How it works: The Connectar asks a series of questions to define your personality type, core values and other relevant information that makes you unique. These questions allow the platform to connect you with compatible personalities with similar interests and views.

But it’s not as simple as matching two identical personality types.

“Sometimes an introverted person gels better with an extroverted personality and vice versa.

We take all of this into consideration, as well as a lot of other core information about the person, such as what they value most in life.”

“After all, you could have the exact same personality as the person across from you, but if you share none of the same interests or values, then you may be unlikely to connect on a deeper level.”

Whether it’s because of a time-poor schedule, a recent move, isolation, or you’re experiencing problems with your current friendship group, the fact remains it’s not always easy to meet new people. If The Connectar is successful, it will give people a chance to perhaps form valuable relationships that will actually step into the ‘real world’ instead of just being online.

For more information, go to The Connectar Facebook page.

Libby Jane Charleston: LJ Charleston is the Editor At Large of award-winning lifestyle technology site Women Love Tech. LJ’s expertise comes from her 20+ years’ experience as a senior journalist in TV, newspapers, radio and more recently digital media, along with a passion for everything tech.

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