Setting Goals And Projects – Let’s Take Stock!

By Simonne Lee
on 4 October 2019

It’s time to check in! In fact, it’s been eight months since our grand plans that we hatched at the beginning of the year and put into writing for our goals and projects in 2019. We set a plan of attack with mini mileposts for every couple of weeks to keep us on track and boom we’re more than half way through the year. Now it’s time to reassess to see if our needs and desires are being met with projects we put into action.

project, goals

One of the reasons we want to check in is to see if we’re still aligned (do we still want this?) with our projects. If not, we may need to change course completely or tweak the direction we’ve been moving towards.  That’s not to say everything you’ve been doing was a waste of time.  

One of the reasons you want to reassess, the main one that I encourage all to focus on, is if you’re still aligned with your projects. Without this alignment, it’s becomes challenging to stay motivated and have sparks of inspiration. A reassessment isn’t only about what’s not working, it’s also about what IS working. Asking yourself specific questions can guide you as to whether you’re aligned to them and of course re-reading your reasons for wanting these projects in the first place. Sometimes just reading them again helps us to realise just how far we’ve come in eight months!

We’ve been head down and focused so now is the time to come up for air and just pause for a moment. Time to just observe what’s been happening, how you’ve been feeling and what’s been enjoyable.

Time to reassess our goals and projects, so let’s get into it. 

Find some time where you can sit down and reflect by answering each of the questions below:

  • Am I still aligned with this project?
    • If yes, keep going
    • If no, re-work the goal like we did at the beginning of the year
  • What’s been working?
  • What hasn’t been working?
  • What’s been accomplished?
  • What’s still in the works? 
  • What have I observed about myself?
    • My thoughts – e.g. are they supportive
    • My feelings – e.g. am I motivated
    • My body – e.g. do I feel light, heavy, slow
  • What can I action now to accelerate my results?
    • 1-3 small, quick actions
projects, goals

Here is where you can fine-tune your projects and actions from the questions above. It helps you to map out and get a visual on how you’ve been travelling towards your goals. You can streamline your actions and really find out what’s been supporting you and what hasn’t. When we’ve been so focused on the end result, our heads are down with tunnel vision for where we’re heading. Sometimes we forget to look around just to see what’s going on around us and noticing other opportunities that can lead to the goal a lot quicker and easier.

You don’t have to wait to reassess your projects and goals. You can do this anytime you want to fine tune the direction you’re heading towards. Whether it’s quarterly or half yearly that you choose to do this doesn’t make a difference as long as you do a reassess or check in. Taking stock of where you’re at and what you’ve accomplished can reinvigorate a whole lot of new motivation. And when working on a goal, we all want that extra bit of motivation.

Women Love Tech would like to thank Life Strategist & Animal Communicator Simonne Lee for her contribution.


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