Planning to get fit or stay in shape, and need a little help? Well, we’ve curated some of the best health and fitness apps to give you a kickstart.
Top health and fitness apps
MyFitnessPal: Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker Cost: Free Download here
Aimed at helping you keep your weight and fitness goals on track. The diet tracker has a quick and easy-to-use calorie counter. The food database has over 5,000,000 foods plus tips to help you lose weight whatever your age or gender. It’s a trainer, life-coach and personal chef all in one. We love the It like the fact that there is a food diary, you can track the amount of exercise you do, and after all your work out it tells you how much room for manoeuvre (such as a glass of wine) you have left at the end of the day. MyFitnessPal lets you connect across social media and the App itself with your friends who are also on MyFitnessPal – and we all know how much better we perform individually when we train as part of a community!

MapMyRun: GPS Running & Fitness Tracking App
Cost: Monthly/Annual Subscription Download here
For most of us, we need to get support to help motivate us to exercise. We need to get a nudge to push us to new heights (or distances!) If you’re looking for a new running route, want to log the distance travelled or find someone nearby to run with, them this app is a must-have. This version also suggests the foods you should eat before and after your workout, and logs the number of calories burned. That gets our vote.
Screenshots of App on iPhone

Yoga Studio: Yoga App Cost: $4.99 Download here This is such a great place to start your yoga journey as the app provides different levels of classes from the beginner through to the expert. It is an easy-to-follow high quality video of a yoga classes. With a wide selection of yoga sequences that can be easily customised to create your own classes, class scheduling, a library of hundreds of poses with detailed advice and instructions. We find this is a world class app for yogis. Works on iPhone and Android.

Glow: Period Tracker, Ovulation Calculator & Fertility Tracker Cost: free Download here If you haven’t heard about period trackers then listen up. Glow is the world’s best period tracker, fertility and reproductive health App. The apps menstrual and ovulation calendars help women learn about their fertility, whether avoiding or attempting pregnancy. Glow is a period tracker that also records your ovulation, mood, symptoms, sex, and medications, and assists those undergoing fertility treatments like IVF or IUI. You can also be connected to the Glow community for support and advice, plus you can receive personalised tracking data and reminders for your medications, birth control or other contraception and health checks. And, it even has a mirror App for your partner, so he can track your moods too!!

Breath Of Light: Meditation App
Cost: $3.79
Download here
Meditation is so much easier now with this app which was produced by two Aussies based in Melbourne. It is categorised as a game but it’s unique and inspired by meditation and yoga principles. Unlike other games that are designed for you to speed up response time and reactions, Breath of Light was developed to put the user in a beautiful meditative state. It started off as a feng shui idea but the developer wasn’t content with the initial concept (they took two years to perfect it). The development process was back to front – they wanted the player to feel relaxed and unwound (something of a luxury in our crazy busy world) so they worked backwards from that feeling. And voila, Breath of Light was conceived. This app achieves just what the developers were dreaming of — gentle and slow interaction using flowing energy and specially selected music (Hobart-based musicians Winterpark) which is very much part of the all-immersive experience – the App even recommends you put your headphones on. We say Beats are best…

Luminosity: Brain Training App
Cost: Free Download here Luminosity is a sensational App that trains your memory and attention and is used by over 60 million people worldwide to create training programs that challenge your brain. Designed by neuroscientists to train memory, attention and much more. With foundations in the study of neuroplasticity, Luminosity games are used in research, and have been incorporated into studies done by top scientists worldwide – now that’s a great recommendation!

Clean & Green Eating: Healthy Recipes App
Cost: $3.79
Download here There’s no point sweating it out in the gym if you are not being mindful about what you eat. Here is where this app makes a difference. The recipes are simple and mostly use basic ingredients and they are all very tasty. Clean & Green Eating aims to nourish your body with the healthiest foods – fresh or closest to their natural state with the least amount of processing. Organic meats, fish, fruit, vegetables, dairy, nuts and whole grains top the list. Less processing and buying local and in season supports a reduced carbon footprint and organic products equals less chemicals for you and the earth! There are hundreds of recipes to choose from with regular additions, nutritional information for each recipe, recipe search function using items you already have in your pantry, specific dietary information and the ability (of course) to share your recipes with your friends on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.