If you’re a Pilates princess who has ever occasionally wondered just how flexible you truly are, there’s now a high-tech way to find out. Enter MAPS. Short for Mobility, Activation, Posture, and Symmetry this cutting-edge 3D scanning tool is used by StretchLab to assess your flexibility and mobility. Whether you’re an athlete or amateur MAPS scanning offers valuable insights that could change the way you approach your fitness.
So, how does it work? It’s incredibly simple. During a StretchLab session, you’ll stand in front of the MAPS scanner and perform three overhead squats. This quick, easy movement triggers the machine’s 3D camera to scan thousands of data points across your body. And, assess key areas like your mobility, muscle activation, posture, and symmetry. The result? A comprehensive score out of 100, which reflects how well your body is currently moving. A score of 0 indicates significant room for improvement, while 100 shows that you’re moving efficiently and with great flexibility.
The real value of MAPS lies in how it helps pinpoint any problematic areas in your body. Once the scan is complete, the system highlights any imbalances. This might include stiffness in a joint, poor muscle activation, or alignment issues in your posture. From there, your certified Flexologist works with you to develop a personalised stretching program tailored to your specific needs.

This personalised plan aims to improve flexibility, reduce pain, and enhance your movement efficiency. Plus, because the scan gives a snapshot of your current state, StretchLab can track your progress over time with monthly scans. This allows you to see your improvements and adjust your program as needed.
MAPS is available with all introductory stretch sessions at StretchLab, so you can get a free, full-body assessment as part of your first visit. It’s the only assisted stretching studio offering this technology, providing a deeper understanding of how your body moves. Whether you’re looking to improve athletic performance, recover from an injury, or simply feel better in your daily life, MAPS helps you move toward your goal more effectively.