How Modern Mums Can Utilise Technology for Their Child’s Ongoing Learning

Using tech at home can supplement classroom learning. With proper parental guidance,
young digital natives can acquire strong media literacy skills and navigate the online world more
effectively. Help accelerate your child’s development with these four tips for teaching with technology for kids.

1. Ingrain family values

Your young one should learn about what matters to your family as they discover more about the
world in general. Knowing your culture’s values can help them define their identity while
celebrating their individuality.

While you should teach by example, your kid should also gain wisdom from other older family
members. Distance can disrupt this process, so use electronic devices to connect. This way,
they can grow up emotionally close to the relatives they don’t often see in person.
Technology also enables multigenerational family bonding activities. Your child and their
grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins can bond over storytelling, cooking, baking, singing,
dancing, and playing games. Enjoying quality time and laughing together are building blocks of
a strong family.

2. Complement classroom learning

Stay current with your little one’s academic performance by speaking with their teachers. After
learning the areas they can improve on, find appropriate online resources to help them grasp
the subjects they don’t fully understand. Refreshers may help prepare them for homework.
This strategy is also helpful when your child struggles with some subjects. Some find the
classroom setting less conducive to learning. They may feel too shy to speak in front of their
peers, while others need help focusing when students are noisy in and outside the classroom.

3. Spark interest in hard sciences

Watch fascinating educational videos to show your child the possibilities in science, technology,
engineering and math (STEM)
. These areas yield fulfilling careers and high-paying jobs.
Preschoolers, primary students and high schoolers are too young to plan their futures.
However, streaming documentaries and playing games about machines, space, wildlife and
other interesting child-friendly topics with them can instill lifelong passions for STEM.

If your kid gravitates toward other fields more, STEM education can help them understand and appreciate other subjects more deeply. Exposing your child to STEM early can be particularly beneficial if she’s female. Women account for only 27% of professionals in STEM fields. Sparking her interest in hard sciences when she’s still young and naturally curious helps break gender stereotypes and may encourage her to pursue related careers later.

4. Promote exploration and social play

The digital world is vast and highly interactive, providing many avenues for exploration and self-
expression. Storytelling tools, painting apps and educational games with hands-on experiences
let your little one have fun in a brain-boosting way.

Ask open-ended questions to encourage them to articulate their thoughts and share what
they’re doing with you. You can also teach them to use screenshots and cameras to document
their work.

Sustain ongoing learning with technology

Although technology shouldn’t replace human interaction, electronics and digital media can be
educational when used correctly. Establish ground rules – like screen time limits – and
regulate online activities to ensure your child consumes only helpful content.

    Mia Barnes: Mia Barnes is a professional freelance writer and researcher who specialises in healthy living, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. Mia is also the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the online publication, Body+Mind magazine.

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