How to Buy a Camera Gimbal

A gimbal is a funny name for a specialist piece of camera equipment that helps you take better photos and videos. It’s a little bit more advanced than a tripod or selfie-sticks, as it uses a gyroscope to stabilise the camera.

Gimbal – a mechanism, usually consisting of rings and pivot points, which allows an object, such as a camera, to tilt freely in any direction. In effect, suspending the object so it will remain horizontal even when its support is tipped

You might consider buying a gimbal for your smartphone or GoPro. For this purpose, a 30-Axis gimbal stabilizer would be suitable.

Benefits of Using a Gimbal

  • Allows a steady shot and autocorrects balancing
  • Auto calibration and calibrate horizon that allows the camera to intelligently move to a centred and balanced position.
  • Easy to use handheld tool with a pistol grip
  • Relatively small to carry – great for travelling
  • You can change the phone or app settings while using
  • Ideal for using at a live event with a microphone port (you can live stream to social media like Twitter and Facebook)

Disadvantages of Using a Gimbal

  • Takes some practice to use
  • Can be tiring to use all day

The gimbal I used with my smartphone required downloading a companion app to control the devices. You can use the app to switch between taking photos and video, shooting in different modes and resolutions, selfie mode and orientation lock, and more.

You might like to consider renting a gimbal, if you only need to use one occasionally. Remember that you need to match the gimbal weight limit to the right camera equipment.

Affordable options to buy camera gimbals can be bought from:

Personally, I think the best way to learn how to use a gimbal is to ask someone to give you a practical hands-on demonstration in the shop, or from a friend or colleague.

Don’t forget to use the following hashtags when posting on social media: #gimbal #cameragimbal

Emma Crameri: Brisbane-based technology reviewer and writer, Emma Crameri is a regular contributor for Women Love Tech and the lifestyle site - where she reviews products. Passionate about all things tech, she has worked on ICT projects, online education and digital marketing. An early adopter, with both Android and Apple devices, Emma is also the Editor of the Brisbanista, and Game Set Tech websites.

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