How to Increase Your LinkedIn Profile Views In 7 Days

In this article I will show you how to increase the number of people looking at your LinkedIn profile in 7 days. More views means more potential job opportunities, more work connections, and more visibility in my industry.

Was is the secret? The only thing I did differently in those seven days was start and participate in a few group discussions.

How to Increase Your LinkedIn Profile Views In 7 Days

I’ve discovered how beneficial it is to be an active contributor, I’m making it my goal to join group discussions at least once a week. Here’s how to do the same, so you can make your profile views soar.

1. How To Find The Right Group

If you’re already a member of several groups relevant to your industry, profession, or interests, great. If not, let’s fix that.

Go to the search bar at the top of the page and enter some keywords (media, technology,press, advertising). If you’re a social media strategist, try “social media strategy,” and “content marketing,” if you’re into advertising, try “online campaign,” “print advertising” and so on. Then, in the left bar, click “Groups” to filter your results. You can also do a “blank search” (press Enter without typing anything) and let LinkedIn show you the groups it considers most relevant to you.

Each group range has its merits, but don’t limit yourself to one size. If you’re just starting out, join one small group (less than 100 members), one medium group (less than 1,000 members), and one large group (anywhere from 1,000 to 100,000 members). This strategy lets you be a big fish in a small pond, a medium fish in a medium pond, and a small fish in a big pond.

2. Read Before Posting A Comment

I join a group, I read through everything posted in the last week (or month, if it’s a less-active group). I note the average conversational style (casual? formal? somewhere in between?), the most successful posts (open-ended questions? discussions about industry news? requests for advice?), and the types of responses (long? short and snappy?).

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This process might sound time-consuming, but it shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes, tops. Plus, not only do I generate ideas for my own posts and comments, I also learn valuable information about my field.

You don’t want to overwhelm yourself, so go to your smallest group first and spend some time getting comfortable with the vibe.

3. Join A Discussion

When commenting, keep a couple things in mind:

– Statements like, “I agree with Joe,” aren’t valuable unless you expand on what Joe said, back up his point with your own experience, or in some way add new information.

– Disagreeing with people is fine, but you should remain super polite at all times. There’s nothing worse than an over-aggressive group member.

– You can promote your company, your product, or yourself, but only if it feels natural. For example, if a group member asks if anyone has read any ebooks on sales techniques, you can link to yours. If people are just talking about good techniques, don’t jump in with, “Read my blog!”

– Relevance is key. If your comments are random, people will ignore you.

4. Start Your Own Discussion

Try to think of an open-ended question like this pertaining to your own field.

You can also share articles or sites that the group would find interesting. LinkedIn allows you to share your discussions on social media, so if you really want to start a healthy conversation, post the link on Twitter and Facebook.

Once you’ve commented on or started a discussion in a group, your job is technically done.

Frederique Bros: Frederique Bros is a contributor for Women Love Tech. Frederique, who launched the website, has more than ten years in multimedia, graphic and web design. Born in France, she lives in Sydney with her French Bulldog Oscar.

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