How To Embrace Technology To Build A Business

By Ines Besbes
on 19 February 2021

Owner and publisher of Women Love Tech and thought leadership agency InProfile, Robyn Foyster talks to Tory Archbold on her Powerful Steps Podcast. You can listen to the podcast interview on Nova here!

In her interview, Robyn talks about the benefits of technology to build your business with little to no money.

‘Tech is an enabler and you need to update yourself – every successful business has successful technology as its foundation.

Robyn Foyster, Women Love Tech
Powerful stories Robyn Foyster podcast launch a business with no money
Tory Archbold interviews Women Love Tech Publisher Robyn Foyster

Robyn says the trick is to use technology to help you focus on business and stop the distractions that come our way particularly from our smart phone. “On average we spend 3-4 hours on our smartphones,” she adds.

Rather than getting overwhelmed by checking apps, tracking costs, analytics, downloads …. you name it, Robyn recommends scheduling focus time. “Blocking time for yourself is so important – Calendly, Equiti as well as Google Calendar are all great apps to help you make time to for yourself,” she says.

So, how can we launch a business with no money by embracing technology?

Let’s say you are building a business and you want to invest in brand Y-O-U, at no cost. Robyn says, “LinkedIn and YouTube are both excellent places to start. YouTube is an excellent learning platform and it doesn’t cost you anything. LinkedIn is an excellent business platform and is great for building your brand and networking.”

Basic technology platforms such as Canva, Slack, Vimeo, Mailchimp and Dropbox are free to start with and Robyn explains that this means you can literally start a business without too many overheads. 

For productivity, Robyn recommends Slack. ‘Slack is great productivity app– I’ve been using it for a very long time,” she says. “It means you can stop using emails and connect with your teams more efficiently.’

Robyn also talks about her new business, InProfile.

InProfile is a strategic thought leadership agency that helps clients craft their message into compelling multi-media content. We deliver campaigns that build credibility, drive the conversation and grow authentic connections.

Tory asked Robyn what is most important lesson she’s learned in business and she said ‘to focus’.  “It is something I am working on  perfecting all the time,” she added. “Being strict about focusing on your tasks stops you from going off track’.

And her most powerful step? “Deciding to make the move to be my own boss was my most powerful step,” she said. “Now I am the master of my own destiny and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to go down their own path.”

So, sit back and enjoy learning how to embrace technology to launch a business.

Robyn Foyster
Women Love Tech and InProfile CEO Robyn Foyster
Launch a business with no money with Robyn Foyster

Check out the Powerful Stories podcast interview on Nova here!


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