Do Your Kids Choose iPads Over Pets And Holidays?

It’s no news that many kids these days are addicted to their devices – whether it’s watching Peppa Pig or playing Fortnite. This generation of youngsters (termed Generation Alpha by futurist and demographer Mark McCrindle to refer to anyone born after 2010) are also more tech-savvy than their parents, many of whom are millennials and therefore pride themselves in their digital acumen. Hotwire’s The Parents of Generation Alpha report has found parents around the world believe their kids value their phones and tablets more than holidays and pets – 71% believe tech is creating too much screen time and 48% believe it is contributing to a lack of exercise.

Does that apply to your child as well?

This latest report from Hotwire explores how parents feel about the relationship between their children and the technology they use, and is part of an ongoing investigation into how technology will impact the lives of Generation Alpha.

Some key findings from the report include:

  • Parents feel that tech enhances skills such as problem solving (60%), hand-eye coordination (49%), and multi-tasking (37%).
  • 25% of parents believe that by the time their children are nine, they won’t be able to keep up with the way their kids use technology.
  • 20% of the parents join social networks like Facebook and YouTube because their children are using them and they want to better understand how they work.
  • Friends are the most influential on Generation Alpha’s buying patterns – followed by advertisements, TV shows, and online influencers.

Emma Hazan, Global Head of Consumer at Hotwire, said, “The reality is Generation Alpha’s ability to navigate the digital world we live in is staggering and this is only the beginning. Parents across the globe are waking up to realise that their children’s tech usage today is a real precursor to them getting good jobs tomorrow. Whilst screen time shouldn’t overshadow kids getting the right of amount of exercise and playing outdoors, it can no longer be seen as a cheap way to entertain the kids, but as a necessary tool to helping build a brighter future.”

Let’s face it – technology is an indelible part of today’s culture. It’s up to us to be responsible about its consumption.

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