Movie Posters Re-Imagined For The Age Of COVID-19 Anxiety

By Emeric Brard
on 14 April 2020 has created these alternative movies PSAs to help push public safety messages during the COVID-19 pandemic. And they are so good, we want to share them.

Like them, Women Love Tech believes the guidelines for staying home, social distancing, and wearing masks in public need to be taken seriously. And although these are troubling times, these fun images fun help make a serious point.

All of the posters are based on psychological dramas or thriller movies, which are regularly covered extensively. They’ve also updated their articles about claustrophobia, agoraphobia, fear of crowds, and OCD articles with information and advice on how to deal with self-isolation and anxiety due to COVID-19. Each of these are long-form articles over 1,500 words.

Here is a list of their most popular posters and their related themes:

Jaws โ€“ fear of crowds, animal phobias, fear of open water

Jaws, movie poster

Joker โ€“ psychological trauma, delusion


Black Swan โ€“ agoraphobia, OCD

Black Swan

The Usual Suspects โ€“ psychopathic behaviour vs. being conscientious of public safety

Usual Suspects, movie posters

The King’s Speech โ€“ Fear of public speaking

The King's Speech, movies

Which ones are your favourites? Let us know in the comments below. And check out more on

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