Whistle: Not Just Any Dog, Your Dog

Whistle is an unique company who created a new way to understand your dog, and add healthy, happy years to their life. Because is not just any dog, your dog.

My lovely French Bulldog (Oscar) had serious health problems in May this year. Everything is back to normal now. But I can’t tell you how much I spent in vet’s bills and how much I was worried to death for him. If you are a dog’s owner, you know what I am talking about, your dog is one of-a-kind.

Whistle uses information including weight, age, breed, and location to provide rich, individualized insights about your pet. They highlight the details that matter, so a quick glance gives you a sense of how they’re doing.

The story behind Whistle

When Ben Jacobs was just 8 years old, his first dog — a German shepherd named Bear — passed away from intestinal issues at the age of 5. Although he’s had several healthy dogs in the years since, including another German shepherd named Kramer, the experience of watching Bear suddenly get sick and die always stuck with him.

“Your pet will seem healthy one day, and all of a sudden there will be a very rapid change in behavior,” Kramer told Mashable, noting obvious symptoms like whimpering and loss of appetite. Unfortunately, by that point, it’s often too late. The problem, he argued, is that owners and vets haven’t had access to enough data about their pets to be able to spot more subtle signals.

So early last year, Jacobs set out to work on a solution to fill what he refers to as the “information gap” for tracking the health of our pets. The result of that effort is Whistle, a $99 device that snaps on to dog collars, and tracks their activity relative to dogs of similar breeds, weight and age. The device, which became available for pre-order Wednesday, comes with a collar attachment, charging dock and app.

The Whistle Activity Monitor is an on-collar device that measures your dog’s activities including walks, play, and rest, giving you a new perspective on day-to-day behavior and long-term health trends. Check-in from your phone, share memorable moments with family and friends, and send detailed reports to your veterinarian.

How does it work?

  • Walk – Whether a trip around the block or a weekend hike, Whistle measures your dog’s walks throughout the day.
  • Play – See when your dog is chasing a ball, jumping for a frisbee, or playing with friends.
  • Rest – Short nap, deep sleep or just laying at the beach, you’ll know how much rest your dog is getting.

Other activity

  • View all types of activity – whether a quick swim or abnormal behaviour in the night, you’ll be informed.
  • Time Together
  • Whistle lets you know who’s spending time with your dog while you’re away, be it, family or friends.

A day in the life of your dog

The timeline gives you a summary of your dog’s day, divided into easy-to-understand insights and events. Keep up with what they’re doing and how their day is going.

Knowledge for every dog’s benefit

Whistle paints a full picture of your pet’s health and activity, tracking trends over time. We’re building a comprehensive, comparative database for all to share. Access to this knowledge helps both you and your vet make more informed healthcare decisions.

Photo my own: Oscar my Frenchy

Frederique Bros: Frederique Bros is a contributor for Women Love Tech. Frederique, who launched the website, has more than ten years in multimedia, graphic and web design. Born in France, she lives in Sydney with her French Bulldog Oscar.

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