Parents Tips: Cyberbullying, Online Predators & Privacy

Cyberbullying, online predators, and privacy are some of the biggest issues parents are grappling with as bullying moves from the playground to the online world.

Parents Tips: Cyberbullying, Online Predators & Privacy

The report found that 52 percent of Australian parents surveyed believe their children are more likely to be bullied online than on a playground and 48 percent worry their children will give out too much personal information to strangers. Additionally, Australian parents are concerned about their children being lured into meeting a stranger in the outside world (46 percent) and fear what their children will post today will come back to haunt them in the future (41 percent).

“In the last year, Norton has seen the online safety awareness levels of Australian parents increase rapidly as technology firmly cements itself in the family home,” said Mark Gorrie, Director, Norton by Symantec, Pacific region.

“Protecting children online is weighing heavier on parents than ever before as cyberbullying, online predators and privacy are now “real” world concerns. While parents are taking some measures to keep their children safe online, more action is needed to ensure children are less vulnerable in the digital world.” 

Children are the weakest link in the family’s online security

Nearly all parents surveyed (90 percent) worry about their children’s safety online – and in particular, how their actions will have repercussions on the family. Globally, nearly half worry their children will do something online that will put their whole family at risk. To alleviate these concerns, more than two in three parents are taking measures to protect their children online –  

  • Almost half (49 percent) limit the amount of information they post about their children on social networks
  • 45 percent of parents require computer use to take place in common areas in the home
  • 42 percent limit a number of personal information children can post on their social network
  • 41 percent limit access to certain websites

Despite these measures, one in five Australian parents has had a child’s actions compromise their online security. Most often children have downloaded a virus to family PC. 

Top Tips for Parents

There are actions parents can take to protect their children and keep their family safe online.

  • Have an open dialogue – It’s important to start the conversation with your children early and have an open dialogue. Set aside time to discuss appropriate online behaviour and create age-appropriate “House Rules” about how computers, smartphones, and gaming systems are used. It is also important to be a positive role model for children and lead by example.
  • Educate children – Spend some time educating children regularly about the dangers of the Internet and create awareness around issues such as sexting, cyberbullying, online predators and privacy. Check to make sure your children are not sharing private information like passwords, addresses and phone numbers with people they don’t know.
  • Explore technology – Consider free parental control technologies, such as Norton Family, that help to set and enforce the ground rules and can limit the sites that can be accessed and the type of information that can be shared online.

To learn more about and start using Norton Family for free, visit

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Frederique Bros: Frederique Bros is a contributor for Women Love Tech. Frederique, who launched the website, has more than ten years in multimedia, graphic and web design. Born in France, she lives in Sydney with her French Bulldog Oscar.

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