How To Prepare Parents For Secure Online World

At Women Love Tech, we love and support women entrepreneur. This week we’ve met with Kim Maslin, she is on top of her world in communication and social media. You will find in her fresh blog some solid tips about social media safety; 3103 Communications, a perfect blog how to prepare parents for secure online world.

Can you give us a little background on your career to date?

My career has very much been within the areas of “communication” and “technology,” having spent the past five years studying and working within these areas. My company, 3103 Communications, was established in 2013 and provides seminars for parents on social media and online safety. My goal is to increase the social media knowledge, skills and confidence of the parents who attend my seminars so they can better prepare their children for the online world.

Tell us about your blog

My blog gives me the opportunity to share my knowledge with parents from all around the world. I blog mainly about online safety – providing “how-to” posts and information about current social media trends – but I also like to mix it up with some miscellaneous technology-related topics. For example, my favourite post was actually my first, “The 9 Types of Harry Potter Facebook Users.”

Which kind of smartphone do you have?


The 3 most persons that you call the most?

My boyfriend, my Mum and the Vietnamese restaurant down the road .

What is your last SMS?

To my boyfriend, “You left your Kindle at my house!”

Name 3 apps you use everyday

Facebook, Twitter and Wordpress.

What do you have as a wallpaper?

Some boring generic purple background that Samsung provided.

What is your last tweet?

A retweet of an article, “Even President Obama Thinks Facebook Isn’t Cool Anymore”

The last picture you pinned on Pinterest?

A photo of a Raw Lime Mousse Pie – can’t wait to try making it!

What is your last photo taken?

A photo of the amazing high tea dessert I had at Rochelle Adonis – mini bread and butter pudding, mini caramel sundae, mini lemon cupcake and a mini deconstructed blueberry crumble! Amazing.

What is your favourite game on your phone?

Angry Birds.

Thank you Kim for answering our fun questions, and all the best with your blog!

Visit: 3103 Communications Blog

Images: Kim Maslin & 3103 Communications

Frederique Bros: Frederique Bros is a contributor for Women Love Tech. Frederique, who launched the website, has more than ten years in multimedia, graphic and web design. Born in France, she lives in Sydney with her French Bulldog Oscar.

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