7 Top Ways To Protect Your Privacy Online

Online privacy is one of the significant things that require immediate attention and awareness. Numerous people often ignore the fact that their privacy is perhaps the crucial thing that should be preserved over the internet.

You need to avoid a security breach when it comes to sharing your personal details online. Some unauthorized people are always in search for details of users that are active on various online platforms.

Here we’ll be discussing some proven ways that ensure your privacy is protected over the internet.

Consider Private Browsing

You can use a private window on your web browser that ensures your browsing data is safe from any unauthorized access. It is a perfect way to make sure that no password or personal details are stored in the web browser.

If you are using someone else’s system, it is essentially important to prefer a private window to avoid any chances of a threat to your security.

Avoid Filling your Social Media Profiles

One can easily prevent the misuse of their personal information like contact details, address, and other information by not filling their social profiles completely. Providing the complete details is quite risky especially if you are new to the social networking.

You should only provide the details that are required to create a profile over the social media platforms so that no suspicious person could access your details.Format your system to remove stubborn viruses

Another reason that can lead to a security breach is the presence of malware and viruses on your system. You can prefer formatting your system by using proper tools that leave no chances of viruses and malware and ensuring a secure data destruction.

Moreover, you can install security software such as an antivirus that can shield your system against phishing attacks that may violate your privacy.

Prefer a Strong password even on your social media profiles

Many of us don’t pay attention while we are setting a password for our social media profiles. People usually use their date of birth or mobile phone number as the password, which can be easily guessed. You need to set a strong password having special characters and the perfect combination of alphabets.

You can avoid any unauthorized access to your profile and save your private details by initially setting up a strong password.

Prefer Keeping your Social Activities Private

Keeping your stuff private over the social media is perhaps the best way to maintain your privacy. You never know when someone uses your pictures, videos, or other personal details for their selfish motives.

You can use private mode for your Facebook profile or other profiles such as Twitter to avoid such scenarios.

Always check the SSL Security before you Sign up on any Website

One should always keep in mind that a website demanding your details for sign up must be secured through an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption that ensures that your data is safe with the website.

Always sign up for 2 stage verification on your email

While you are signing up for an email account, make sure you add two-stage verification for miscellaneous activities. You will receive a text consisting of the details of any susceptibility on your account.


One can ensure adequate privacy by considering the factors mentioned above that are proven to be fruitful in ensuring adequate security to your content.

Women Love Tech would like to thank Janice Cook for this article.

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