What Can You Say About Samsung’s Latest Commercial?

By Women Love Tech
on 18 November 2017

Are you an Apple fan or a Samsung fan? In its latest commercial, Samsung returns to mercilessly mocking iPhone fans, taking a swing up a notch.

How savage they can be?!

Samsung has done it again with its new ad trolling over iPhone. Mocking iPhone addicts for their blind loyalty to Apple.

The new commercial entitled, “Samsung Galaxy: Growing Up”, shows a young man buying his first iPhone in 2007 and ending buying the latest Galaxy Note 8 at the end of the commercial.

The ad shows a series of clips showing the man using various models of iPhone over the next 10 years – and being repeatedly left disappointed by the device’s capabilities.

What’s the fuss all about?

For the longest time, we haven’t seen iphone upgraded to having a stylus in their various handset upgrades as well as struggling with the storage capabilities.

The one minute ad suggests that Samsung has always been ahead of the game when it comes to smartphone upgrades.

Just watch the video to see for yourself.

Over the years, we have also never heard of or seen Apple reference any rival companies in its own advertisements.

Now, who’s side are you on?

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