The Savvy Way To Reduce Your Mobile Phone Bill

We are using our phones more and more, and this is not without consequence; namely the rise of our phone bills! If you’re like me, in less than three years you would probably have had to upgrade your phone’s monthly account usage from 1GB data to 4GB!

The Savvy Way To Reduce Your Mobile Phone Bill

In saying that, phone bills don’t have to be expensive, or what I call ‘punishing’. You shouldn’t feel guilty or restricted using your mobile phone, it’s a big and quite personal part of our lives and we should enjoy using them.

Time To Be Savvy

Don’t get stuck with the same phone provider for years. If you think you are paying too much, then start to look around, research and compare prices.

This is how I discovered ALDImobile and their value packs, with some of Australia’s lowest priced packs. At the beginning I was a bit skeptical, ALDI in the mobile industry? Then I visited their website and I was amazed! The website is well done, clear and very easy to use, however most importantly, the low prices mean you can save money on your phone bill, giving you extra to spend on other areas of your life.

Let’s review the key elements of what each ALDImobile Value Pack has to offer:

$15 S Value Pack

  • Up to 125 minutes of talk
  • 50,000 standard SMS
  • 250MB of data

$15 Data Pack

  • 1.5GB
  • 30-day expiry

$20 M Value Pack

  • $30 credit for calls & SMS
  • 50,000 SMS
  • 700MB of data

$25 L Value Pack

  • $50 credit for calls & SMS
  • Free weekend calls
  • 50,000 SMS
  • 1.5GB of data

$30 Data Pack

  • 4GB (up from 3GB)
  • 30-day expiry

$35 XL Value Pack

  • 43,200 minutes of talk
  • 50,000 SMS
  • 20,000 MMS
  • 2.5GB of Data + Bonus 500MB weekend data

$45 XXL Value Pack

  • 43,200 minutes of talk
  • 50,000 SMS
  • 20,000 MMS
  • 4.5GB of Data + Bonus 500MB weekend data

$50 Data Value Pack

  • 6GB
  • 90-day expiry

To ensure you get the best value for money visit ALDImobile’s Online Plan Tool – it will help calculate the plan to suit your needs!

How Does It Work

1. Buy an online SIM card (3 sizes available for $5 with $5 credit included)

2. Activate your SIM card on ALDImobile’s website

3. Choose a plan using the Online Plan Tool

4. Install the free app ALDImobile

5. Check the balance, history and expiration date of the Value Pack

ALDImobile uses the Telstra network, leveraging some of the best coverage in Australia when it comes to mobile network and reliability.

For more information head to

I have teamed up with Aldi for this article.

Featured Image: DepositPhotos

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Frederique Bros: Frederique Bros is a contributor for Women Love Tech. Frederique, who launched the website, has more than ten years in multimedia, graphic and web design. Born in France, she lives in Sydney with her French Bulldog Oscar.

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