Scanmarker is a clever device that works like a digital highlighter. It’s around the same size as a regular highlight pen. It can scan in the text at 20 times the rate an average person can type. (We’re talking around 600 words per minute). All you need to do is sync the marker with an electronic device.
Scanmarker can also read out loud lines of text. This feature is ideal for people with dyslexia or learning difficulties, and children or adults learning to read. The device can be used to translate the text with over 40 languages currently available.
Scanmarker is ideal for students who need to scan large amounts of text, take notes and study for exams. It’s good for situations where you can’t borrow out material from a library.
The Scanmarker Air is the newer model with Bluetooth connectivity.
You can buy accessories like an original Scanmarker soft zippered case, an aluminum phone and tablet stand and a branded wireless mouse.
1 year warranty
About Scanmarker
As a university PhD student at Stanford University, I found myself reading numerous books for Social Psychology class and highlighting endless key paragraphs with my yellow highlighter. I was desperate for a faster way to collect and condense all the material for easier studying and memorizing.
This was the catalyst to the creation of our awesome Scanmarker product line, revolutionizing the way people study and boosting their productivity worldwide.