Among the array of immersive experiences on offer at Sydney’s iconic annual light show, one of the world’s most renowned headphone brands is also stepping into the spotlight – through the Sennheiser at Vivid Mirrorbox installation. To explain this innovative showcase – that promises an engaging audio journey that integrates cutting-edge AI technology with the transformative power of sound – we caught up with Anthony Brady, General Manager, Sonova Consumer Hearing ANZ.
“The Sennheiser Mirrorbox activation blends cutting-edge AI technology with collective meditation. Sound design with haptic feedback. And, a visual spectacle with internal reflection. Which all allow participants to explore the connection between sound and human identity,” says Brady. Encouraging visitors to discover the free installation located in the beating heart of Vivid Sydney’s Light Walk, Tumbalong Park.
“The journey begins with an individualised AI analysis. Delving into each participant’s sound personality, mental mood, and biometric signature to create a unique sonic fingerprint,” Brady says. Emphasising the personalisation aspect.
Participants participate in an assessment, which starts with an optional face scan to guide their music preferences. They then take a three-minute survey that will consist of them listening to five song snippets and answering seven simple questions.
Brady further delves into the experience. “In the second stage, Sennheiser immerses you in an audioscape that blends the sounds of water with music composed to help you pause, reflect and reconnect with the world around you.” This approach, he suggests, aims to evoke profound emotional responses from participants, fostering introspection and connection.
After the experience, participants will receive an email within 24 hours from Sennheiser. This includes a personalised music station with a playlist created specifically for them. And, a breakdown of their persona, which will help people better understand how certain songs make you feel. And, what is the right music for you for different parts of your day.
“The assessment model introduces eight distinct personas, enriched by five additional parameters, culminating in 256 unique music personas,” reveals Brady. “This approach is not intended to pigeonhole your music taste. But, rather give you a better understanding as to why certain music works for you, enabling a path to greater discovery of music that you can incorporate into your daily routine to support better health outcomes.”
Speaking to Sennheiser’s commitment to innovation, Brady highlights how the Mirrorbox installation reflects this year’s Vivid theme of Humanity. While contributing to the overall immersive experience.
“At Sennheiser, audio is more than just the output of engineering excellence. It’s key to raw, unfiltered emotional experiences. The feelings and meanings we associate with the sounds that surround us change depending on who we are. Our sound is a part of our story. When we ‘Hear More’, we learn more about what moves, shapes, and connects us. Sennheiser Mirrorbox will allow participants to ‘Hear More’ through an immersive AI audio experience that blends sound with emotion to create a musical journey for visitors reflecting the Vivid Sydney 2024 theme,” says Brady
At the core of this auditory adventure are the Sennheiser MOMENTUM 4 Wireless Headphones.
Whose innovative features, include Sennheiser’s signature sound for exceptional fidelity, Adaptive Noise Cancellation (ANC) for an immersive listening experience, all-day comfort with soft silicon ear tips and fins and lossless audio transmission for uncompromised sound quality during wireless use. All designed to ensure participants are fully immersed in the bespoke sonic landscape tailored specifically for them.
But, the Mirrorbox experience transcends mere audio immersion. Participants emerge from the journey not only with a heightened appreciation for sound but also with a personalised assessment illuminating the unique nuances of their sonic identity. This revolutionary approach aims to foster a deeper understanding of the profound connection between music and individual wellbeing.
As Brady articulates Sennheiser’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of audio innovation, it becomes evident that the Mirrorbox is more than just a showcase of technology. It’s a testament to the transformative power of sound. And, an invitation for participants to take a journey of self-discovery through sound.
“Sennheiser has harnessed the power of our audio DNA as the Engineers of Magic to create not only an unforgettable cultural experience but an immersive moment with true sound. One where visitors can learn more about themselves and each other,” concludes Brady. Urging participants to listen deeply, reflect thoughtfully and embrace the transformative power of sound.
Share your Sennheiser at Vivid Mirrorbox experiences on social media with @sennheiser #Sennheiser #HearMore @vividsydney #VividSydney