Slingshot Launches Australia’s First HR Tech Accelerator

Corporate start-up accelerator Slingshot has announced the arrival of Australia’s first HR Tech start-up accelerator, focussing on driving much-needed workplace innovation and disruption. So, if you’ve got a great idea for a tech business that can disrupt the HR sector, this one’s for you.

Slingshot is joined by global recruitment and talent solutions company Hudson and SEEK, a global leader in online employment marketplaces and synergistic education businesses, to lead ‘HR Tech.’

It’s designed to help progressive corporate leaders reinvent the human capital elements of their businesses by connecting them with the best disruptive HR / tech start-ups.

Karen Lawson, CEO of Slingshot and former CEO of CareerOne, told Women Love Tech disruption is here to stay.

“Forward-thinking businesses like Hudson and SEEK know that continued success requires reinvention. Increasingly, models for that reinvention are being shaped from the outside by innovative technology start-ups,” Lawson said.

“By engaging with these start-ups, businesses can tap into new technologies, business models and consumer/market behaviours to rethink the entire HR value-chain.”

The 12-week program will seek out the most innovative and disruptive start-ups, scale-ups and entrepreneurs in the ‘future of work’ space, and foster deep collaboration with corporate leaders across Australia’s HR industry.

The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) and IBM have also joined as supporting partners. The program is open to accepting additional corporate partners who are interested in driving innovation and disruption in Australia’s work environment.

Slingshot is the only Australian corporate accelerator program to include a structured 12-week learning program, including weekly workshop sessions delivered by industry experts. The start-ups and scale-ups that have gone through a Slingshot-run accelerator have a combined market capitalisation of more than $42 million. Over 80 per cent are still active or have been acquired.

Start-ups accepted into HR Tech can receive up to $50,000 from the Slingshot Investment Fund for equity in the business as well as training and resources, a support team of mentors and access to a co-working space.

Women Love Tech and TheCarousel’s owner Robyn Foyster is proud to be one of Slingshot’s Business Mentors.

Find out more about Slingshot’s mentor program, here:


Libby Jane Charleston: LJ Charleston is the Editor At Large of award-winning lifestyle technology site Women Love Tech. LJ’s expertise comes from her 20+ years’ experience as a senior journalist in TV, newspapers, radio and more recently digital media, along with a passion for everything tech.

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