I normally do not like gossip and rumours. You never know if they are true or if they are distorted – to me, it’s a waste of time. Saying that I can’t help myself reading articles about the new iPhone 6. I don’t do it with pleasure but because I can’t wait to own the new iPhone 6, I am just super curious and I want to know more. I read lots of articles, and it’s a bit tricky to find what is true or not, but I prepared a list of all the solid rumours you need to know about the iPhone 6 that sound to me the most accurate.
Note: I love Apple and I work closely with the great Australian Apple team, trust me when I say they won’t share any information about the iPhone 6 – the information below is purely speculation and maybe the fruit of my imagination and of my reading 🙂
I am 110% sure the new iPhone’s name will be iPhone 6 – the iPhone 5, 5S and 5C were so last year and it’s time for Apple to launch a brand new phone with a new name.
Every IT journalist agreed on this, the iPhone 6 will have a bigger and wider screen. No one really knows the exact dimensions but apparently, the length of the new phone would be 5.9 inches and the width comes in at 3.3 inches. Which is a significant jump in size over the current iPhone 5S. That model is 4.87 x 2.32 inches. So the iPhone will have a bigger screen.
Touch ID Fingerprint Sensor
I think the Touch ID Fingerprint Sensor is an amazing technology and I do expect to see it on the iPhone 6.
The camera on the iPhone 5S and 5C is mind-blowing and so far is the best camera quality on a smartphone, taking amazing pictures. Again here I expect the same All-New 8 Megapixel iSight Camera with True Tone Flash maybe even a better one – is that possible?
Release Date
One thing we are sure about, Apple is testing the phone right now and we launch production soon. Crazy rumors talk about April, or July 2014. I would like to be prudent here and based on the previous years of the iPhone releases, I would say the iPhone 6 will be available to the public around September.
The Internet goes mad on this one, they talk about maybe the releases of two new iPhones with two different sizes, even maybe an iPhone Air… hmmm… interesting but on this one I don’t have a clue so I will say let’s wait in a few months. Regarding the iPad, rumours also talk about a new iPad – which I am not very surprised about, marketing-wise it will be smart to launch a new iPhone besides a new iPad together – how exciting! Personally, I am expecting Apple will release an iWatch this year, but that’s just me.
According to Business Insider, the Retina+ Sharp IGZO display would have a 1080p Full HD resolution, the phone could be thinner with LED backlight technology to reduce the thickness.
Another source claims the iPhone 6 (in both its sizes) will take design cues from the iPhone 5C and the seventh-gen iPad Nano which launched in 2012.
There’s a lot of pressure heaped on the iPhone 6. Apple will need to be on its game with the new handset – and many believe a bigger screen is simply a must. The one thing we can be sure, it will be a massive event for Apple fans (me included). Of course, as soon I know the ‘real’ information about the new iPhone (s) 6, it will be on Women Love Tech. Stay tuned.
Featured Image: Ciccarese Design