Telstra Inducts The “Excess Data Usage Warning SMS” To The Telstra Museum

There’s good news for all you phone and data obsessed folks – Telstra has tapped into our collective love for mobile data and irritation at that pesky “data warning” messages by removing the excess data charges on select new ‘Peace of Mind Data’ mobile plans.

And to top it all off, they’re saying farewell to excess data charges by cheekily inducting the “excess data usage warning” SMS into the Telstra Museum in Bankstown, where it’ll now sit alongside other relics such as 90s emojis, pagers, chunky cameras, and rotary phones. Classy move, Telstra!

The announcement for the new mobile plan comes on the heels of the generational research commissioned by Telstra which reinforces millennials’ usage of and dependence on data-enabled technologies, which in turn drives changes made by Telstra to benefit every age group.

Unsurprisingly, baby boomers blamed millennials for ruining “meaningful conversations” (53%) and “face to face interactions” (59%). Interesting though, some of the statistics from the research suggested that:

  • 20% of Australians have secured a date via an app, including 8% of seniors. Go Tinder for senior citizens!
  • 21% of Australians miss CDs and cassette tapes, but interestingly, it’s the the 18-24 year olds who say this the most (31%). Nostalgia for unlived history perhaps?
  • 23% of Australians miss the Friday night trips to the video store, of which 31% are comprised of 18 – 25 year olds as compared to 19% boomers.
  • Overall, 49% of Australians have tried remote working technologies (72% of millennials compared to 30% of boomers).

With the help of these statistics, Telstra’s new ‘Peace of Mind Data’ mobile plans will allow every Australian to do it all – use dating apps, Facetime, stream Netflix/Spotify etc., work from home or remotely.

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