Michelle Curless, Chief Customer Officer of Cheetah Digital, reports on why it’s so important to mentor your women.
Every woman faces different challenges in their career, and our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) give women in the organisation an opportunity to share their experiences, foster allyship, and network with others to form mentorships across the business.
At Cheetah Digital, our ERG initiative promotes an intersectional understanding that women of different underrepresented groups face individual yet overlapping experiences in the workplace. Women in Tech (WiT) is a women-led group that platforms women in leadership positions, allowing them to share their experiences to guide women on their career path. WiT features internal and guest speakers, focused on empowering women to network, share their stories, and connect with others in the business to better navigate their paths.
Along with Women in Technology, we have ERGs for employees of diverse sexuality and cultural backgrounds, and/or have additional needs. The nuanced experiences of intersectional groups ensure that the unique stories of women are heard. Our reach at Cheetah Digital is global, and we have a passion for developing leaders in the company, and also in their particular region of the world.
Ultimately, our ERGs help drive relationships for those who seek mentorship from leaders who share similar paths. We know that powerful mentorship is rooted in more than being a teacher. Genuine and impactful mentorships involve commitment and action, where the mentor is dedicated to helping others shine and succeed: “I have traveled this path, and I know the way to success. I’ll teach you the terrain.”

About Cheetah Digital
Cheetah Digital is a cross-channel customer engagement solution provider for the modern marketer. The Cheetah Digital Customer Engagement Suite enables marketers to create personalised experiences, cross-channel messaging, and loyalty strategies, underpinned by an engagement data platform that can scale to meet the changing demands of today’s consumer.
Many of Australia’s leading brands trust Cheetah Digital to help them drive revenue, build lasting customer relationships through leading loyalty solutions and deliver a unique value exchange throughout the entire customer lifecycle
These include local brands such as Bakers Delight, Humm Group, ING and global retail brands Williams Sonoma, Vans and Ralph Lauren who have successfully made their digital transformation and reached unprecedented milestones
To learn more, visit www.cheetahdigital.com or hear directly from our clients where they share their success stories by visiting our Signals On-demand hub at www.cheetahdigital.com/signals.