The Rise Of The Smart Home In Australia: How Clever Is Yours?

A new study has found one in four Australians are now living in homes that are considered to be ‘smart homes’: the joy of being able to control your household functions from your smartphone or computer.

The Service Seeking study revealed that everything from heating, air conditioning, lighting, audio system, surveillance cameras and computers can be controlled via the internet remotely.

It means all you have to do it touch your smartphone and you can schedule your air conditioner to turn on or off, turn off the sprinklers, close the blinds – helping you save on energy bills as well as cutting down your environmental output.

“Advancing technology means Australians are becoming increasingly connected – even in the home. Smart homes save time and money and are even good for the environment,” says Jeremy Levitt, ServiceSeeking CEO.

“Not only do you cut costs by being in control of your house at all times, but you also cut down on your energy usage – something that’s really important to many environmentally-conscious Australians.”

It’s predicted the global home automation system market will skyrocket in the next few years: from $32.11 billion in 2015 to $78.27 billion by 2022, increasing by a compound annual growth rate of 12.46 per cent.

A report by international market research company MarketsandMarkets reveals this growth will occur within the next six years.

Home automation can control lighting, entertainment, heating, ventilation and security and air-conditioning systems – all operated remotely through a wireless device.

Not only are Australians using smart home technology to move into the future, but we’re also the world leaders in household solar panels, according to a report by the Energy Supply Association of Australia.’s survey showed that 29 per cent of households have solar panels, proving that Aussies understand the investment is worthwhile, both environmentally and fiscally. Sixty per cent of customers found their solar panels reduced their energy bills by 20-40 per cent.

“Solar panels, like smart homes, are a worthwhile investment – not only will your bills go down and the environment benefit, but your home will increase in value too,” says Mr Levitt.

Some popular ‘smart home’ devices:

Lifx Colour 1000: colour changing smart bulbs.

Scout Alarm : home security system.

Nest Protect – smart smoke detector.

Amazon Echo – the ultimate voice-controlled station for your home.


Libby Jane Charleston: LJ Charleston is the Editor At Large of award-winning lifestyle technology site Women Love Tech. LJ’s expertise comes from her 20+ years’ experience as a senior journalist in TV, newspapers, radio and more recently digital media, along with a passion for everything tech.

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