Tips for Social media Influencer and Blogger Contracts

With television shows like ‘Emily in Paris’, the idea of being a micro-influencer, social media influencer or blogger looks appealing.

The reality can be a rather different experience. When you are invited to an event or sent a gift arrangement, you’ll be required to promote the brand with some guidelines.

You might like to think of this as a freelancing job. And often it can feel like work. You’ll need to dress up professionally (unless you’re a film reviewer), and do some market research beforehand so that you are prepared and feeling confident when you meet with your client.

I’ve been asked a number of times what a social media influencer or blogger’s contract looks like. I personally prefer a well-written media release with some optional professional photography to use.

I prefer to sign agreements only when the payment or gifting arrangement is valued above AUS$100. It’s a better use of everyone’s time to sign a year-long gifting arrangement to attend a chain on cinemas over each film preview event. (However, I’ll happily make an exception for Warner Bros film premieres).

Benefits of an influencer contract:

  • specifies exactly what the agreement is
  • contains useful information for posting and writing, including the correct hashtags and social media channels
  • includes space for a signature

Disadvantages of an influencer contract:

  • doesn’t allow for creative freedom and can be a buzz kill if there are too many rules and requirements
  • not necessarily legally binding (please ask your qualified lawyer for advice)
  • slows down the process

Guidelines for Social media influencer and blogger contracts

Here are some general guidelines for creating social media influencer and blogger contracts:

  • email is the best way to communicate (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram messages are okay for initial contact, but please move to email for longer correspondence and negotiations)
  • address emails using a person’s name and personalise each one
  • clear communication is key
  • layout the contract in a table for easy reading
  • save the agreement as an editable PDF file
  • save any photographs to a Dropbox or Google Drive
  • use signed delivery to ensure the package arrives to the right person
  • add a personalised note to your package with a printed out media release (if relevant)
  • if you don’t hear anything then follow up is okay

Here is an outline of an agreement which I used via a public relations company:

<Company or Event Name>

Social Media Influencer Agreement

Agreement between <influencer’s name> and <company> outlining creative content creation and event promotion to promote <product or event> and related activities/events. <influencer’s name> agrees to deliver on the below obligations in line with the specified due date, using key messages, and required handles, tags and links.

Duties and Obligations of the Influencer:

Name: <influencer’s name>
Product/Show: <specific product or event>
<date, if revelent>
Products / Number of Tickets: 1 <or what product received or payment>

Social Media Accounts

Instagram: – <e.g. @womenlovetech>
Facebook: – <e.g. @womenlovetech>
Website or Blog: (if applicable): <[e.g.>

Agreed upon activity

  • 1 x Instagram post via @womenlovetech
    Due: <day before event>
    Key message: Getting excited for xxxx
    Required tags: @companyname #companytag #campaigntag
    Geotagging to the venue.
  • 1 x Instagram story via @womenlovetech
    Due: <day of the event>
    Key message: Having fun at xxxxx, about to see xxxxxxx
    Required tags: @companyname #companytag #campaigntag
  • 1 x Instagram post via @womenlovetech
    Due: <day after the event>
    Key message: Having/had a fantastic time at xxxx, Tickets on sale now –
    Required tags: @companyname #companytag #campaigntag
    Geotagging to the venue.

For social media posts, the following details must be included (where applicable):
Instagram @companyname #companytag #campaigntag
Twitter: @companyname


Line and space for both parties to sign on a line, with the date and their full names.

Please leave a comment and let us know about your experiences with using Social media influencer and blogger contracts:

Emma Crameri: Brisbane-based technology reviewer and writer, Emma Crameri is a regular contributor for Women Love Tech and the lifestyle site - where she reviews products. Passionate about all things tech, she has worked on ICT projects, online education and digital marketing. An early adopter, with both Android and Apple devices, Emma is also the Editor of the Brisbanista, and Game Set Tech websites.

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