Tips On How To Protect Your Cyber Safety And Privacy

This morning, Google announced that it will be shutting down Google Plus (or Google +) after it was revealed that the data of up to 500,000 Google+ profiles was exposed. This comes just a week after the news that Facebook had a security breach that exposed the accounts of 50 million users. In light of such incidents, it’s understandable if you’re worried about your online accounts – Norton by Symantec offers the following tips to help you take back control of your cyber safety and privacy.

Keep your passwords fresh: As tempting as it may seem to use the same password across multiple platforms (for the ease of remembering), make sure you don’t do that. Keep changing them regularly and be sure to use a phrase that consists of a string of words that are easy for you to memorize but hard for anyone else to crack. Remember – the longer your password, the better it is.

Always sign out of your online accounts: As convenient as it is to stay signed in to your accounts at all times, doing that can be risky – especially if someone gets access from leaked credentials. Regularly sign out of your online accounts to help keep your information safe.

Own your online presence: Consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to secure your connection and help keep your information private. Make sure you carefully read the terms and conditions (even when they’re long and boring!) before opening an account or downloading an app.

Ensure your security software subscription is up to date: Using security software such as Norton Security Premium is the simplest way to protect yourself and your privacy online.

Know your rights and act quickly: Data protection frameworks such as The Privacy Act 1988 and the Notifiable Data Breaches scheme under it, are in place to ensure you are notified of data breaches that may harm you and other Australian Consumers. Understanding your rights under these frameworks and acting quickly after you’ve been notified of a data breach will reduce the chance of harm.

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