Why I Wont’ Read Your Blog

These days it seems everyone has a blog. Which is great but it doesn’t mean your blog will be a successful one or you will make money with it. The key to a successful blog is in understanding your niche and audience. Why I won’t read your blog is an article to help you to stand out in the crowd and to support you with your business goals.why i won’t read you blog

Why I Won’t Read Your Blog

I know it’s a bit of a catchy headline, but it’s also true! I won’t read your blog if it’s about babies, food, or how to apply make-up!

There are millions of food blogs out there and only a few are really good and successful. I’m not into cooking at all and I don’t have babies or kids. I would read your blog if it’s different, funny and extremely well-designed. It can be a personal blog about something like 10 countries in 10 months,

or anything for that matter, as long as it’s not about food, babies or make-up!

  • To grab the interest of readers you need to create high-quality content with a twist – something different! The secret behind finding or creating a great niche is that you bring something new into the reader’s life.
  • If you are gifted as a writer but have an ugly website, the chances are, that your readers won’t stay too long on your blog.

What is niche blogging?

Niche blogging is the act of creating a blog with the intent of using it to market to a particular niche market. While it could be argued that every blog is, in some form, a niche blog, the term as it applies to marketing refers to a particular kind of blog.

Choose The Right Niche

I’m sure before starting your blog, you’ve done tons of research online and found multiple articles about the niche.

  • To choose the right niche is also to write about something you are very good at or you are passionate about.
  • The best available tool to check your future competition and ideas is Google.
  • Using Google Keyword Planner is a smart way to start to find strong keyword ideas and traffic estimates.

Think ahead, and imagine your blog in 2 or 3 years, and ask yourself:

  • Will my blog remain contemporary and relevant?
  • Who will be interested in reading my blog and why? Men, women, which age category?
  • Do I want to make money with my blog?
  • Which countries are going to be my audience?
  • What can I bring that’s new to people?

I know it’s a lot of questions to answer and it’s not easy at the beginning of a new business.

Please note, that I always refer to a blog as a business.

It is essential to protect yourself and your blog in the future. You may be an experienced journalist who finds writing very easy, but when you write your blog you may find you will need to change your ‘academic’ style to a more personal one.

Don’t write for you, write for your readers

If you love writing and you are good at it, that’s great! But it doesn’t mean, people will love reading your blog. The secret behind a great blog is to write about a personal experience or something you are extremely good at or passionate about. I will explain.  When you write you need to put yourself into your reader’s shoes. With the explosion of smartphones and tablets, people read more news than ever before and they know exactly what’s hot or not.

  • When you write you need to ask: What am I bringing that’s new and fresh in the blogosphere?

Avoid the food, babies and fashion blogs

Do not hate me when I say that! There are millions of blogs out there covering those topics. The right idea would be to clean up your niche. For example, if you want a blog about food, try to eliminate the general stuff and transform your blog idea into a super sharp blog that truly has a new twist.


Let’s say you are a ‘foodie’ and are passionate about Asian food then this is the beginning of your niche. If on top of that, you’re an Asian food expert but you also know all the best and cheapest Asian restaurants in your city then this is truly your niche! I hope you will get my point. The more your niche is specific the better your chances are to have a blog that will be noticed and remain relevant!

Be Realistic

A successful blog won’t happen overnight. It’s a big work commitment with long hours in front of your computer screen with no quick money coming your way.

Blogger Reality

A successful blogger told me once that it takes on average 5 years for a blog to reach a mature peak. Women Love Tech is halfway! Don’t put too high an expectation on your new blog. it takes time for any business to grow and to succeed. Finding a mentor who has already succeeded in the blogosphere will be a great support for you.

Be Patient

Unless you are la creme de la creme, you will not have 10,000 unique visitors and millions of social media followers in the first month of your blog. A professional blog is like any small business, with small capital to start with…it all takes time.

Image Credit: Deposit Photos

Frederique Bros: Frederique Bros is a contributor for Women Love Tech. Frederique, who launched the website, has more than ten years in multimedia, graphic and web design. Born in France, she lives in Sydney with her French Bulldog Oscar.

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