Now more than ever, there is a need for business owners and operators to meet new people, explore opportunities, be curious and ask questions. In fact, our economy depends on it.
“With SME’s being responsible for 40% of GDP we need them to stay in business and be able to hit the ground running when all this is over,” says CEO of Business in Heels, Lisa Sweeney.
During a recent online coffee morning, Maria & Sue were complaining that the Business in Heels Melbourne Summit had been postponed. They explained to Lisa that right now they needed connections, workshops, to meet people and to learn. In fact, it’s critical for sanity and hope. “But please,” they uttered, “No more boring webinars! We’re were sick of being talked at with no answers to our unique problems.”

With all physical events cancelled, social isolation in force and businesses sailing in uncharted waters, pivoting has become the new buzz word. It’s a wonderful concept, but… pivoting in what direction?
Inspired, the team at BIH launched a workshop-focused Summit with fourteen relevant topics to pick from. The workshops promise to be experiential, fun and practical with small groups in each. The experts have designed them to be engaging, allowing plenty of time for participants to interact and ask their questions. Everyone may attend three workshops with the rest of the day being all about connections.
It’s a great opportunity to become socially connected from the comfort of your own home. Participants may Choose to attend a group mentoring sessions or a networking one and have in-depth conversations with others to learn and grow.
Business in Heels was one of the first to offer online networking starting 5 years ago on the Zoom platform.
“We even did a few sessions in a virtual world which was something else, so running five concurrent online workshops and networking will be a breeze,” says Lisa.
Lisa Sweeney, CEO, Business In Heels
All business & professional women are invited to attend. Many are balancing work, social distancing, home-schooling and deserve some “on-my-business-me” time.
It promises to be a fun day, allowing professional & business people to mix & mingle, share their social isolation highs and lows and get back to doing some amazing business.
Friday, May 29th will be a day to remember!!

For more information on the event and how to get tickets, click here.