FRANKLY CO: Redefining Flexible Workspaces For Women

By Women Love Tech
on 18 November 2019

Last year alone, Australian workers spent $408 million on flexible workspaces, with nearly half (48 per cent) of these women. 

Despite expected growth (the industry revenue forecast is set to triple by 2030), none of the current workspaces are focused on flexible working and barely any in Australia are designed specifically with women in mind.

So when it came to finding a workspace that could cater to all of my and my business partners, Emma’s and Oonagh’s flexible working needs, there was essentially a huge gap in the market staring straight out, at us. What we needed, didn’t exist. 

The three of us needed a space where we felt we belonged. Somewhere in the real world that would enable us and others with different needs, make work work. A space to help as many women as possible connect with other like-minded people, make an income and go further in their careers, quicker. A space to work that informs and encourages professional development, while supporting women in navigating other aspects of their lives to feel healthy, sane and motivated…A professional workspace and an ‘I feel damn good’ space rolled into one.    

Emma, Dee, Oonagh (L to R)

This is why we’ve set out to build FRANKLY CO, a flexible workspace, community, and digital platform dedicated to creating an inclusive and accessible space to work from and retreat to. 

Because it’s simple. Women want and need more in order to effectively integrate work and life and take advantage of flexible working arrangements…(if just 6 per cent more mothers worked, we would see a $6 billion win for the Australian economy!)

FRANKLY CO will be the first workspace to offer an onsite creche; women-focused amenities; corporate packages designed to help businesses attract, hire and retain female talent; wellness classes; workshops and events; and a platform that will connect and enable digital and physical memberships.

Our hope is by creating this integrated online and offline space that supports how women work and live, we are providing a huge opportunity for women to succeed within a community where everyone can thrive. FRANKLY CO is building the village so many of us lack, which is why we are inviting you to help us make this a reality, grow our people-powered company, and invest in the future of flexible working alongside us

Women Love Tech would like to thank Dee Behan, co-founder of FRANKLY CO

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