Google Search lists give you suggestions about what you can stream, rent or buy from a large range of providers including Disney+, Foxtel, Netflix, Google Play, Stan, YouTube and more. Here’s how:

All you have to do is put in ‘good shows to watch’ or ‘what to watch’ and all the suggestions will come up. With so many different places to stream, buy or rent entertainment from now, this could make choosing what it is you’ll watch right now that bit easier.
How does Google Search Lists work?
When you go into Google Search, you can use the ‘Edit Providers’ button to add which TV and movie subscriptions you have and this way you’ll get your personalised recommendations based on what you’ve typed in.
You can also add in what the genre is you’re feeling like at a certain time. You might feel like a drama or documentary one night and then next day find yourself wanting something lighter. Even when you’re hankering for something specific, like ‘horror movies from the 80s’ or ‘adventure documentaries about climbing,’ Google Search will give you all of your options.
‘Watchlist’ will tag the shows you want to watch later

You can use the ‘Watchlist’ feature to save the shows you want to watch later. It’s pretty easy – simply tap ‘Watchlist’ in the preview window for any show or film you want added to your list. You can navigate between your recommendations and the ‘Watchlist’ tab so you won’t lose track of what’s already been saved.
Google Search says this is just the first version of this service and they’ll be adding more interest categories and further updates over the next few months.
So the next time you can’t work out to watch or you’re finding it hard to agree on what’s the best entertainment for that night, you can check it out on Google Search.