Here’s A Service You Can Trust To Ensure Your Device’s Cybersecurity

By Emeric Brard
on 13 July 2023

With Australians growing warier of their online presence and becoming more skeptical of institutions’ ability to ensure cybersecurity, it’s important that people have a service that they can trust and rely on.

With more people online comes an increased risk of not only WiFi issues but also cybertheft as hackers take advantage of this isolation period.

A study conducted by NortonLifeLock has shown that Australians have very little trust in the ability of institutions such as social media providers, government, financial institutions, and retailers to keep their personal details safe. In fact, recent reports on a booming social networking app called ‘Houseparty’ as received criticism regarding hacking and general account security. Are Aussies right to be so skeptical?

The stats suggest that they should.

cybersecurity, Norton
  • Around one in five Australians, that’s 3.5 million adults, have been victim to identity theft
  • 65 percent believe facial recognition will be abused or misused in the next year
  • Over 6 million have experienced cybercrime in one form or another in the past year (4.2 hours per victim)

At the top of Aussies’ concerns is the breaching of sensitive personal information. So if the institutions can’t be trusted, where do they go for security?

“It’s not enough to simply have antivirus software installed on a laptop anymore. It’s critical that any cyber security plan designed to help protect you and your family is comprehensive,”

said Mark Gorrie, Territory Manager APJ, NortonLifeLock

That cybersecurity plan is the Norton Security Premium package, featuring 250 GB worth of cloud backup, a password manager, parental control, a secure VPN for three devices, and a SafeCam.

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