“The World We Imagine” — Lenovo Challenges Artists Around The Globe

Calling all artists out there— The World We Imagine is here!

A new competition called “The World We Imagine” has been unveiled by Lenovo in collaboration with AMD and Microsoft. The competition is aimed at inspiring creative individuals from ANZ to share their ideas on how digital art can contribute to a more sustainable future.

Contestants have until September 30, 2022 to submit their entries, and the following are the prizes up for grabs:

  • Cash prize of up to USD$5,000
  • Yoga Slim 7 Pro X and Yoga Slim 7 Carbon
  • Free subscriptions to the Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe applications

How to submit:

  • Contestants must submit their entries via the campaign microsite
  • Files must be less than 20MB and in JPG format
  • Submissions are required to be accompanied by a short synopsis explaining the creation and must be original, related to the contest theme, unpublished, and uncommission by a brand

Excited? Read On!

Alongside AMD and Microsoft, Lenovo organized a competition in the Asia Pacific region with the goal of inspiring creatives in New Zealand and Australia to visualize their visions of a sustainable future through the realm of digital art.

The slogan of the competition is “The World We Imagine,” and it asks participants to imagine what a world that is truly sustainable may look like.

Entrants in Australia and New Zealand are asked to submit digital art pieces that best depict their vision of the future from now until September 30, 2022.

The winners of the competition will be awarded a cash reward of up to $5,000 USD, a premium range of computers from Lenovo including the Yoga Slim 7 Pro X and the Yoga Slim 7 Carbon, and free subscriptions to the Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe programs.

What’s The Deal?

Participants must submit their entries through the campaign website in JPG format and less than 20 MB. Any kind of digital artwork may be entered, excluding commercial works, work connected to brands commissioned work, or work commissioned by competitors.

Formats include 3D, animation, illustration, photography, and digital formats are all acceptable for your submissions.

All contributions must be original, relevant to the competition’s theme, unpublished, and not commissioned by a brand. All of the contributions will be judged on their topic, aesthetic design, and creativity.

You may get further info on the submission rules at this link: http://lenovo.com/theworldweimagine

More Reading:

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