Instagram Keeps Deleting My Captions: Instagram recently stopped me from liking other people’s posts and adding captions to my own photos.
Fortunately, I could still send direct messages and talk to my friends.
I wondered if I had been shadow-banned – so I searched online for the answer.

Here are some of the recommendations I found:
- Logout of your account, uninstall the app and reinstall it
- If you have used any unapproved tools, change your Instagram password right now to avoid any more damage.
- Click on settings (cog icon), then Apps and Websites – delete any apps that you no longer need. You can also check here, when you are logged in: (I discovered I’d authorised access to, Linktree, Gleam Competitions, Intellifuence, Zipkick, Test2 (random!), Zomato, Buffer, Hootsuite,,, Iconsquare Pro (unused widget), Commission Factory Dashboard, Spout Social, Fohr, Plann, Social Soup Connector. Ekk – some of these had to go!!)
- Alex Tooby says “Yes, there are limits to how many actions you can take per day on Instagram. This includes the amount of photos you like, the amount of comments you leave and how many people you follow or unfollow. Depending on the age of your account, your limits may be different but in most cases, you shouldn’t exceed 150 likes, 60 comments and 60 follows/unfollows per hour.”
I assumed the ban would only last a couple of weeks – and a break from posting was kind of nice. After a month I started to get more worried, so I did some more research. I started to think I had accidentally used a blocked hashtag or hit a limit. I clicked on the settings (cog icon), then “Report a Problem” and I wrote them a short but succinct email about my issue. This restricted access lasted around 6 weeks. Fortunately, one day (about a week later after ‘Reporting a Problem’), without any notification, I was back in business and could use the full functionality of Instagram.