Australia’s exclusively electric car sharing platform – evee – is enabling its car hosts to earn some pretty handy money on the side. The platform works much the same as Airbnb and Stayz, allowing owners to rent out their properties or cars when not in use so they can earn additional income.
Slava Kozlovskii is the founder of evee and he explained how electric car ownership used to be reserved for Australia’s elite, but with the evee EV car sharing platform, ownership is now possible for most Australians.
Slava said when you own an electric car now: “The cost of the vehicle repayments can be covered by what you earn, and you can do this without it severely impacting your own personal use of your new car. You can earn up to $2,000 per month by renting out your electric vehicle to travellers and people who are dipping their toe in the EV market for the first time.”
Evee recently opened its books and showed that by using the platform, it’s possible to own a Tesla for free eventually because the returns are good enough. Slava said many people who use evee are on track to owning their car outright within three years from the money they earn renting it out.
Here’s how it works
Anugrah Noer of Sydney has had good experiences using the evee platform, having made more than $30,000 revenue since joining in June 2021. “I bought my first Tesla, a Model 3, in June 2021 and placed it on evee almost straight away to help with my car repayments,” he said. “It was such a great little money earner it helped me buy my second electric car 16 months later, a Tesla Model Y.
“The money I earn from evee more than covers what I’ve outlaid buying my two cars. And charging my cars costs next to nothing thanks to the solar panels that were already on my house,” he added.
“I’m also super passionate about solar power and electric cars and I love sharing this knowledge with people who hire my cars as they’re always asking lots of questions – I feel like I’m doing my part for the environment by converting more people to electric cars,” Anugrah added.
Electric car sharing platform sees Tesla cars become free
Slava explained that each rental on evee is covered by full comprehensive car insurance so there are no out-of-pocket expenses if an incident happens during a rental. If your car is on evee and it has to go in for repair, you’re given a replacement car – guaranteed to be electric – until you have your car returned to you.
So far, evee has over 8,000 customers and it has EV cars located in each major city and town in Australia. Over the past three years, it’s experienced 100% growth each year and this looks likely to only get better. The platform has now rolled out to New Zealand and evee UK and Europe on the roadmap.
To help the platform realise its global aspirations, a public share offer was launched recently so those who’re interested could become part-owners in the business. The equity crowdfunding raise is managed by Birchal, and the money raised will be used to expand the business and bring new platform features and services to life. If you want to find out more about this, take a look here.
evee helps electric car renters find out more
The reason there’s a market for evee is because renters like to try out an electric car before they buy their own EV car. As Slava said: “Often, they don’t know whether it’s right for them, or don’t know which car is perfectly suited to them. They love asking lots of questions and our host owners are happy to answer them.”
Slava explained that rather than being limited to a 20 minute test drive of a Tesla from a dealership – with a sales rep breathing down their necks – potential buyers are renting for a full weekend so they can find out what it’s really like to own an EV car.
“All the latest model electric cars you can buy in Australia are available to rent on our platform – Tesla, Polestar, BYD, Kia, Mercedes, MG and more. If you go to Tesla, you’re only given a 20-minute test drive and that never gives you a full understanding of how great these vehicles are,” he added.
since joining in June 2021.
“Nothing beats taking that baby out for a whole weekend, and really experiencing the joys of owning an electric car. evee allows you to do that. You can experience charging your car at a supercharging station, at home and so much more than you can ever experience in a 20-minute test drive,” Slava added.
Australia has seen an almost two fold increase in EV ownership from 2021 to 2022. As Slava said: “The car rental market in Australia is worth $2 billion annually with electric vehicles being the fastest growing niche. Through the trust we have built we are able to capitalise on every step of a customer’s EV journey.”
“Our Birchal equity crowdfunding raise will help us expand the business, onboard more vehicles and deliver an unforgettable customer experience. Evee is poised to become a full-service offering for the EV inclined and we want anyone who is passionate about this space to share in our good fortunes by becoming part owners in our business,” he added.
“Our connected community lets drivers book their next electric adventure by vehicle type, location, date, and budget with delivery options often available to the airport or your hotel. Commission is only charged on completed bookings, otherwise the platform is free for hosts to access and easy to list their cars, and it takes only moments for renters to hire them – driving the EV revolution further with every booking,” Slava said.
To check out more about evee, visit here.
For more from Women Love Tech on electric cars, visit here.