Color Genius App: Match your Make Up to your Outfit

The Colour Genius app by l’Oreal is new and a great time-saver – no more debate between which color to match with your nails, with your shoes to your eye shadows! The Color Genius App takes decisions out of your hands and makes goof-proof suggestions that free up your time and get you out the door faster. And you get options: match your outfit, blend with your outfit or clash (in a good way) with your outfit. And the app doesn’t cost a cent. The Colour Genius helps you to accessorise your make-up with your outfit.

Finally, the mobile app every woman dreams of – a personal stylist for your pocket. The Colour Genius helps you find the perfect make up combination to suit your outfit and your mood!

How does it work?

  • Snap it: Take a photo of your outfit or choose a picture from your photo library.
  • Select your mood: Day or Night (so many choices!)
  • The decision is yours: MATCH IT, BLEND IT or CLASH IT according to your mood – so much fun!
  • Find it: Discover your complete look with an on-trend combination of Nail polish, Lipstick and Eyeshadow shades.
  • Learn how to accessorise with colour. Play with it again, and again…

Photo Credit: L’Oreal

Frederique Bros: Frederique Bros is a contributor for Women Love Tech. Frederique, who launched the website, has more than ten years in multimedia, graphic and web design. Born in France, she lives in Sydney with her French Bulldog Oscar.

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