The Science Behind The Q-Switch Laser Treatment

In this digital age, tech-powered functionalities often back dermatological treatments, redefining self-care for the modern muse. It’s a world where innovation meets indulgence, and nothing has helped break beauty boundaries quite like the precision power of skincare supported by lasers.

One of the most popular on the market is the Q-Switch Laser Treatment – one of the many cutting edge solutions on offer at Contour Clinics, Castle Hill. Here’s what happened when I stuck on my laser L plates and stepped out in search of the latest tech treatment promising complexion perfection.

Switching on the Q-Switch Laser Treatment

As a somewhat late comer to the land of laser treatments, I wasn’t sure what to expect when my scheduled appointment time for my first ever session arrived. Fortunately, my experienced Contour Clinics aesthetician was on hand to assess my skin and address my issues. After ascertaining that my areas of concern centred around roughness, redness and supersized pores that stopped me from feeling radiant, she suggested a Q-Switch Laser Treatment using the Alma device – a multiplatform machine, whose main benefits supported skin rejuvenation. 

No pain. Lots of gain

With the aesthetician expertly wielding her wand, I felt a gentle cooling sensation accompanying each pulse. The  Q-Switch Laser treatment was actually perfectly painless – which gave me the opportunity to ask as many questions as I liked as I left it to my Contour Clinics expert to apply her technical precision and personalised care and tend to my complexion concerns for 45 minutes.

Tech specs of the Q-Switch Laser Treatment

And, when it comes to questions, I had plenty of them – wondering how one little light energy driven device could address so many issues all at once. 

After a little crash course in laser as a skin care treatment? In the world of dermatology, lasers (or Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation), work by harnessing the power of light and heat to create a controlled injury in the tissue. And stimulate the body to have a healing response that makes it look better as a result. 

According to my aesthetician, the Q-Switch Laser Treatment specifically uses a range of wave lengths to target a variety of skin conditions including pigmentation and  uneven skin tone, fine lines, birthmarks and even tattoos in mere mano seconds.

It is the preferred option for treating melasma. Because, unlike other laser types, Q-Switch produces very little heat and therefore tends not to trigger a worsening of this  condition, as other lasers typically may. 

Essentially, the Q-switch laser can heat deeper layers of skin at different levels, without damaging or scarring skin tissues. This makes it a valuable tool in skin resurfacing, rejuvenation and renewal. 

Its exceptional precision also allows for a tightly targeted treatment (which is why it’s so popular for removing regrettable – but permanent – skin ink). And as an added bonus, Q-Switch Laser Treatment also stimulates collagen production. 

Time will tell

Aside from a little redness and itching – which I had been advised to expect – I had also been warned that the Q-Switch Laser Treatment would not provide immediately obvious outcomes.

However, don’t be too disappointed. Instead, the Q-Switch Laser treatment triggers the skin’s regenerative mechanisms, which can lead to the gradual fading of imperfections over the course of a few treatments.The recommendation is one per month, for three -four months. 

And so, while the long term results are yet to be seen, based on the number of blackheads that popped up immediately following my treatment (which were painlessly extracted by the pore professional tending to my skin) when it comes to  skin resurfacing  I believe that the Q Switch Laser Treatment truly does have the X Factor if you commit to the suggested number of total sessions.

Q-Switch Laser Treatments takes 20–40 minutes depending on size and area
Costs start from $99 per session depending on size and area
Results will be visible from 2–10 sessions

Marie-Antoinette Issa: Marie-Antoinette Issa is the Lifestyle Editor for Women Love Tech and The Carousel. She has worked across news and women's lifestyle magazines and websites including Cosmopolitan, Cleo, Madison, Concrete Playground, The Urban List and Daily Mail, I Quit Sugar and Huffington Post.

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