Ultimate Gift Guide For The Female Entrepreneurs

By Sophia Smith
on 14 December 2024

Female entrepreneurs are a force to be reckoned with, and they are paving the way for other strong women out there who are trying to make a mark on the world.

They do so not by just killing it independently in their respective fields, but by supporting and educating each other – case in point – from three Scandinavian countries who have joined forces to “boost women-led small and medium-sized companies” through seminars and sharing of empowering knowledge and expertise.

female entrepreneurs


They are, of course, just one of the numerous positive examples of women crushing it in the business world. However, a strong woman knows what she needs and what she wants, which makes it all the more difficult to shop for her.

Luckily, there are still some uncovered ideas that will enable you to provide the perfect gift for the lady boss in your life, one that she doesn’t already have and one that she will be thrilled with. These gift ideas are the whole package – stylish and practical, so get ready to be wowed.

True entrepreneur

Always forward never back is a good mantra in theory, but every great business woman knows how important it is to look back and reflect on her past achievements. This is exactly where the 10X: The entrepreneur’s journal will come in real handy or the latest camera.

Not only is it impeccably designed in terms of sleekness and the chic effect, but it also boasts features that regular planners simply don’t. It allows the person to plan, use their time in the most productive of ways, and as it is part planner part journal, there is room for noting down past accomplishments, and according to those who have used it, it’s an incredible motivating tool. There is no chance this gift won’t knock socks off.

Matters of technology

A goal-getter doesn’t have time to waste, she has plans to realise and goals to achieve. In the era of the Digital Age, it’s hence vital for her to always have her battery – phone battery that is.

A dead phone is most likely one of the top three worst things that can happen to a woman who’s trying to cram in 48 hours of work into a 24-hour day and a dead battery just won’t do.

This is why you will be an absolute lifesaver if you get her a power bank, a really dependable and strong one. There are tons of truly amazing-looking ones that are light, portable and chic even, so take your pick, she will love whichever one you choose.

cygnet accessories

Sentimental and practical

It’s safe to assume that whatever amount of coffee regular people drink, entrepreneurs probably have a double dose. Now, the sentimental part of this gift is the fact that whenever she drinks coffee (and it will be often) she will think of the person who gifted into her. There is also the chic factor, as a lady boss needs and deserves everything on her table to look impeccable and inspiring, even her coffee mug, so as someone who knows her taste and is familiar with the overall design of her office, get her the perfect mug that will blend in with the ambiance and that will be to her personal taste.

Keep her sharp and focused

She is always rushing somewhere. Even the most organised of them are always in a rush. Sometimes they even forget to eat, not to mention that they usually get very little sleep. While you can’t follow them around and force them to put food in their mouth, you can make sure they at least stay hydrated, so that her cognitive function and energy levels remain intact. Get her a visually appealing water bottle for her desk, and remind her to keep it in her eyesight so every time she looks at it, she’ll take a sip. Got to stay sharp, so make her drink up.


water bottle


It’s common knowledge that some of the most successful people read hundreds of books a year. Of course, she should be one of them if she wants to be remembered as a crazy successful innovator. If she has a thing for real books, then by all means, get her at least five of the most important and highly acclaimed ones that are related to her field. If however, she’s too busy to read, you can always make things easier for her and purchase her the Blinkist app. Yes, there is a number of books one can read for free, but to get all the good stuff it’s better to make the in-app purchase and have granted access to more than 2,500 of the world’s best non-fiction titles that will inspire, educate and drive her. It may not be a palpable gift per se, but an incredible one nonetheless.

Bust out in case of an emergency

In life, and in business, presentation is everything, and not just in terms of what you have to say and show but how well you’re put together. A woman on the go sometimes doesn’t have the time to get completely ‘polished up’ so it’s your job as a good friend or partner, to walk into a makeup store and get her all the mini essentials – tiny lipstick, mascara, bronzer, travel-sized shampoo and deodorant. You will be praised, trust us.

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