Our dogs are always by our sides, giving us love when we’re down, playing with us, laying by us on the couch and protecting us, so the least we can do is properly take care of them and repay the faith with all our love. With these five apps for dog owners, you can keep all their needs and health in check.
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Here are five must-have apps for dog owners.
#1 Dog Walk
With this app, track all the walks you go on with your dog. With GPS tracking, you can see how many kilometres you did, for how long it lasted and the exact route you went on. As a bonus, owners can also log in where their furry companions dropped off little gifts along the way.
#2 Rover
If you’re going away on a romantic weekend and are unable to bring your dog, you may want to look for a dog-sitter. Rover is THE app you need to find available dog-sitters in your area. The interface makes it easy to interact with potentials sitters whether they’re for the long-term or just one night.
#3 BringFido
There’s no worse feeling than arriving at a place only to find out that you aren’t allowed in because they don’t accept pets on the premises. Avoid all the inconvenience and check beforehand to ensure that you aren’t wasting a trip. Look for pet-frienldy hotels, restaurants, parks and beaches, and even dog events.
#4 FitBark
This app requires a cute bone-shaped activity monitor that goes around your dog’s collar. What the monitor does is track your dog’s activity in the same way that a FitBit does for people. It can also monitor sleep, giving you breakdowns on sleep quality, stress and anxiety, and even potential skin conditions from itching. Owners can also compare to other dogs of the same breed and age.
FitBark is the app to keep tabs on your dog’s health.
#5 Chewy
Where’s the best place to find the right food for your dog’s breed? Where can you buy toys and treats for your furry friend? Chewy is all-in-one app for all your dog’s needs. With orders coming straight to your door, it also includes free 2-day shipping on any order of $50 or more.