YouTube Spaces are exclusive professional studio areas where you can book to make videos for your existing platform.
There are some strict criteria you need to meet before being eligible for YouTube Space hire and collaborations:
- Have a super, super popular account with enough engaged subscribers and followers
- Each global studio location has different requirements
- Have a monetized account with no copyright or Terms of Use strikes
- Have signed the Master Use Agreement
- Be the owner of the YouTube channel and sign in with the correct account for your application
- You and your staff members must attend the Unlock the Space orientation program
There are no costs to use the space. But if you already have a serious channel, you probably already have invested in most of the equipment you already need. However, the studios provide just about everything you’ll need including equipment, studio space and post-production facilities. They are sometimes used for training and workshop events.
At the moment, there are dedicated YouTube (Studio) Spaces in Berlin, London, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Rio, Tokyo and lastly APAC (Asia Pacific).

YouTube Space has the long-term potential to help you learn, connect with your fans and create. If your YouTube channel has at least 10,000 subscribers, then this might be something you’d like to explore further: