Twitter has become one of the most powerful social media to use and to connect with the world. But do you know your Twitter shortcuts?
If you use the main Twitter website, we can help you out with some seriously useful and easy keyboard shortcuts. Whether it’s navigational tricks or keyboard actions, these handy shortcuts will save you tons of time. I’m sure some will make sense to you and others will become essential in your everyday tweets.
B = Block user
F = Favorite
J = Next Tweet
L = Close Open Tweets
M = New Direct Message
N = New Tweet
T = Retweet
U = Unblock User
GA = Activity Page
GC = Connect Page
GD = Discover Page
GF = Favorites
GH = Home
GM = Messages
GP = Profile
GR = Mentions
GS = Settings
Space = Page Down
/ (Forward Slash) = Search
. (Period) = Load New Tweets
? (Question Mark) = Load Shortcut Menu
Trust me those Twitter Keyboard will save you tons of time!