Put on your fitness band or smart watch and clock your steps. Fitness trackers and smartwatches result in more physical activity and really do help get us fitter, according to research studies.
“There’s been widespread skepticism in the scientific and medical community about whether fitness trackers can improve health,” explains Julie Jargon in The Wall Street Journal. “But when people wear wearables, they on average increased their daily step counts by 1,800 – and boost their daily walking time by forty minutes.”

Researchers from the University of South Australia conducted a study involving nearly 164,000 participants of all ages and found that fitness trackers are highly effective in helping people lose weight, lower blood pressure, and get fitter.
Other studies have concluded the same. It seems just the act of tracking steps makes you think about your aerobic activity and encourages you to do more. Come on now, what are we waiting for?

Coming up, there’s a lot to get excited about. Apple’s new iPhone 15 is about to launch. September 12 is the big day. But before you rush to buy, consider if you really need the upgrade?
Apple’s iPhone batteries decay over time, but an Apple-certified replacement battery will cost you less than a new phone, and if you bought the AppleCare+ coverage, battery replacements are included. There are other fixes too if your current phone is not running optimally – if it’s slow, consider reviewing the data you can delete to open more internal storage.

Driverless cars have been long in coming with tech companies racing to develop the perfect robo-car. Then last month, the California Public Utilities Commission gave the green light to two paid-for driverless taxi services to begin operating in San Francisco.
The decision was hailed as ushering in a new era for driverless cars which will surely not take long to spread around the world.
But exactly a week after the two companies, Cruise and Waymo, who operate the robo-taxis, were let loose on San Francisco’s streets, one of them had an accident with a fire engine.
In spite of years of testing, the debate on their safety remains and the question we all need to ask ourselves, no matter where we live, is would we trust them ourselves enough to get in? And would we feel safe with them on our own neighbourhood streets?