Shivani Gopal, the Founder and CEO of The Remarkable Woman, talks about how to Stay Mentally Healthy While Working Online.
As all of us adjust to this strange new post-COVID world, it’s safe to say that many of us are finding it difficult to see clear lines between work and home, now that all barriers have been so blurred.
Work/life balance is something that we’ve spoken about for decades, and even back when we were still heading into the office every day in those golden pre-COVID days, traditional wellbeing and the workplace didn’t always go hand in hand.
Well, now that we’re working from home, this balance has become more crucial than ever. We are in the midst of a physical and mental health crisis. As we work remotely, many Australians are placed in the position of being isolated from friends and family or, on the other end of the spectrum, desperately needing space from our loved ones.
This is a time where we need to be more mindful of our mental health and wellbeing.- as well as our team’s. So what can we do to make this happen?

Create a separate office space
It can be incredibly tempting to wake up, reach over for your laptop and start working when morning hits. However, doing this doesn’t just blur the line between work and home – it erases it completely! It’s important that you have a separate place to work so that you can mentally (and physically) detach after you finish for the day, and keep work and leisure separate. Better still, spend the first few minutes of your morning meditating, being intentional about what you want to do, or practicing gratitude. Your mood, and productivity, will thank you for it.
Connect with your team
Going from seeing your workmates every day in the flesh to the ever-so-frequent Zoom is a huge adjustment, so be sure to connect with your team regularly. Communication is KEY here – be open with them and ask them how they are feeling and coping in their different work environments. Remember seeing your teammates over a team meeting is not the same as really connecting. Take the time out to have a 5 minute pow-wow. Why not go old school and just pick up the phone and ditch zoom for a moment?
Engaging on a personal level will create a sense of camaraderie for both you and them, and help beat that remote working slump. You’ve got this!

Take regular breaks
If you’re anything like me, then you’ll find that it’s way too easy to sit down at your desk, switch into work mode and power through that to-do list. And before you know it, you’ll glance at the clock and it’s after 6pm! You may feel productive, but working non-stop will eventually lead to burnout so make sure to take regular breaks and stay active. Stretch your legs, go for a walk, or head to the kitchen to enjoy a delicious lunch.

Stock up on healthy snacks
While we’re on the topic of food, I also understand that there will sometimes be those days when you’re stuck in meeting after meeting with no time to cook. Working from home can mean those hours can creep up on you in no team, meaning you’re looking up and reaching for Uber Eats before you know it.
But eating an unbalanced diet will accelerate burn-out and make you feel sluggish, and overall, not so great. Wherever you can, prepare for those situations by keeping lots of healthy snacks and meals in your fridge so that you can refuel your body with minimum effort. You can also keep a bowl of fruit or nuts at your desk for those midday snacks!

Give yourself an outlet
Although we might not have the opportunity to head off for some holiday travel or socialise with our colleagues during work lunches, it’s still important that you have an outlet of some kind. For some of you, it might be exercise or meditation (at The Remarkable Woman, we have countless courses and videos on mindset, mindfulness and more, as well as access to our incredible community that supports women to be their very best selves).
For others, it might be painting, drawing, exercise or cooking. Whatever works for you, make sure to take some time every day to do the things you love. Be kind to yourself and remember that we’re all navigating this new world together!
With these tips, you’ll be sure to stay well-balanced with some clear boundaries between work, and life!
Shivani Gopal is the Founder and CEO of The Remarkable Woman; a women’s mentoring and empowerment platform.
Pic credit: Pexels photographer Anna Shvets