Consuming high-quality content will never go out of style! The nuggets you absorb from the things you read, watch, or listen to are often a major deciding factor in your success story and overall life growth. For aspiring young female entrepreneurs with big dreams and solid visions, there’s no shortage of personal development books and podcasts online. Everyone claims to be the goldmine, but we can’t possibly read or listen to all of them.
Luckily, 25-year-old Taylor Ping, a brilliantly successful entrepreneur and business coach has narrowed the haystack down for us to five of her best written and audio content treasure troves!
A Happy Pocket Full of Money: Infinite Wealth and Abundance in the Here and Now

David Gikandi created real magic with this book – and it’s more than just about money.
First published in 2001, A Happy Pocket Full of Money offers a holistically conscious insight into the concepts of wealth, happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, success, and spirituality. Filled with positive affirmations and beautiful reassurances, it deeply explains, in simplified terms, the metaphysical nature of money and how hustling is mirrored within a certain level of cosmic energy. If you understand how it works, you can restructure your life to unlock a new level of financial abundance.
The expanded study version is available as a seven-hour audiobook and it’s one of Ping’s all-time favorites!
The Five AM Club

Have you always admired the ‘elite gang’, those amazing people who wake up super-early every single day and achieve so many things before their next bedtime?
If so, The 5AM Club deserves a spot on your shelf. Over 15 million copies of the book have been sold worldwide, and it’s no wonder Robin Sharma is recognized as one of the best motivational authors in recent history. Curated with an enlivening tale of two strangers seeking to elevate their lives, this book describes the amazing benefits of an early rise time and how utilizing the calmest hours of dawn can exponentially upgrade the quality of a person’s life.
The 5AM Club is filled with science-backed practices, unique formulas, step-by-step habit-building tips, and practical advice from some of the world’s most successful people on how to build an early-rising routine and maximize your day to the fullest.
The Mel Robbins Podcast

If you enjoy watching inspirational videos online, chances are, you’ve stumbled across one or two Mel Robbins’ videos on your timeline. The best-selling author and international motivational speaker spread her wings in 2022 to include a podcast, The Mel Robbins Podcast, in the list of channels through which she dishes out unprecedented wisdom and incredible insights on life. This podcast discusses everything from career building and romantic relationships to mental health and family living. Robbins has established herself as the host of one of the most personal, unscripted, and compelling podcasts where life-changing and soul-lifting advice is given for free to her loyal listeners.
The Elena Cardone Podcast

In her most recent release, Elena particularly hit the X-mark on so many of our minds as she unpacked the spoken realities of the work-from-home revolution, a situation that troubles so many people despite the attractions.
The Elena Cardone Podcast is just that – the candid, advice-packed, and realistic conversations about professional and personal problems from a seasoned author, actress, and successful real-estate mogul. Elena also steps it up a notch by delivering her incredible conversations with excellent guests and pop culture lingo – never a boring moment!
Life Book by Mind Valley

Life Book is not exactly a ready-made book you purchase online – it’s a book you create online, specially tailored to your personal vision of success across the twelve holistic aspects of your life. These aspects are health and fitness, intellectual life, emotional life, spiritual life, romantic relationships, parenting, social, finance, career, quality of life, and life vision.
Running for 18 hours over six weeks, the course is filled with incredibly transformational guidance and insights to help you create the 100-page book that will ultimately redefine your approach to all-encompassing happiness.
Meet Taylor Ping
Taylor Ping is a serial entrepreneur, business coach and consultations expert, and female entrepreneurship advocate. She is the founder and CEO of Hierarchy Media, a PR and media development company with a community for innovators and brands to reach millions of people with their value. She is also the founder and CEO of The Risen Group, a business empowerment and consultation brand.
Taylor strongly believes in a world where female entrepreneurs are given equal opportunities and access to create their own success stories. She says, “It is my passion and mission to speak to and reach more young women and men who are looking for real advice on how to expand their business into a realistic, impactful, and unique experience for the consumer.”